some feedback

November 23rd, 2011
I'm new to the site and just wanted some pointers on what I am doing correctly and incorrectly when shooting my photos
November 23rd, 2011
Hey Judith! I think your pics are totally fine, and many are really great! I know you're looking for particular pointers to individual pics but I think you should begin to follow some people on here who pics inspire you. Often, when you follow them, you're getting your name 'out there' and people will look and comment on yours too, and will possibly follow you.
November 23rd, 2011
@jude1614 Hi Judith. Welcome to 365. I would have to agree with Kim. Start following people and they will follow your pictures. This will help you get pointers and ideas for your project.As well it is nice to add comments to what you post so people know what they are looking at and where it is. This makes it a little more interesting for the people who are looking at your photos. Looking forward to seeing more of your shots
November 23rd, 2011
Hi welcome to 365. Personally I only follow people who post every day, 365project baby not 89project - that's just me though. Like the guys above say follow people and they will follow you and then you get all sorts of advice and praise. The pictures you've posted are lovely.
November 23rd, 2011
Your pictures are really good but for me personally I like to know a bit about the person I am following such as which actual country they live in & also a short piece underneath the photo describing where it is & even a bit of back ground info !! I know that to some people it's all about ''the photo'' but to me I like to build a bit of camaraderie !!
While I am on here I must be very stupid because when I post replys on these sites my name doesn't come up in the blue writing on the top right hand side of my reply eg the post above says(reply @ chewyteeth) Should I typing in this bit ?
November 24th, 2011
Hi, welcome to 365 Judith. You have some really nice landscapes. I agree with what everyone else has already said. Start following people, participate in the discussions and comment on others photos. You will get inspiration by looking at others photos.
November 25th, 2011
Thanks for the advice I really appreciate that you have taken the time to look at my pics and to give me pointers about making the most of the 365 site.
I have looked at some others photos and realize that there are a lot of talented people involved in this project.

Thanks again
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