Fantasy Edit

December 4th, 2011
I've been working on this photo as a Christmas gift for my friend.
I've never really done this type of editing before. I'm using Photoshop Elements.

I can't put my finger on it, but it seems like something is missing.

What do you think?

December 4th, 2011
Lighting's off. What I mean is, the scene lighting is diffused from above, and the subject's lighting is direct camera-left. Needs a little more blending, too.

Composition-wise, the butterfly doesn't really balance the image. It is as though you have an area that can't decide whether or not it is being negative space. Maybe some background colour (blurry flowers or such) would help bring it alive in that section of the image.

Great gift idea though, and I'm sure your friend will love it.
December 4th, 2011
In addition to the lighting, the background is grainy, the colors are kind of muted, it's generally hazy I guess, like an impressionist painting. In contrast, the girl is sharp and has more vibrant colors, and more distinct shadows.

To make the girl blend in you might want to add some noise and maybe lower the saturation on her. Or even blur her a very little bit. If you want to make her blend with the background better.

Having said that I think it's great as it is.
December 4th, 2011
The fore ground it bit too blured but it kind of works :) The Mushroom and the girl stick out like a sore thumb :) And the Fox is adorible, None of these are bad things for me its just what I think :) xx
December 4th, 2011
Have you tried softening the focus on the wings or maybe some other parts of the girl? She is so crisp that she stands out as not really being there to me. This is really a cool idea and really looks great so far...really that;s the only thing I can say that is a bit off to me. Great work!
December 4th, 2011
lighting I also would add some fireflies. They always make fantasy come a little more alive.
December 5th, 2011
Ok, I took your suggestions, made some edits and came up with two versions.
Which do you like most? Any other helpful advice you may have would be appreciated. Thanks!



@annaruth @5unflow3r @mikew @jinximages @jodimuli
December 5th, 2011
I like the top one. :)

You could possibly soften it somewhat without fading it.
December 5th, 2011
@renelou By soften, I meant blur the edges somehow, not by fading. :-)
December 5th, 2011
I'd say version 1

I think the background is still a lot blurrier/soft than the girl. I would have left the background alone and blurred the girl just a bit - she is too sharp compared to the background. But that's being picky, it looks really cute
December 5th, 2011
@mikew Thanks! Just pretend it's a macro of the little "fairy" and has a shallow DOF ;)
December 5th, 2011
@arielmagyawejr I'm in awe of your work, and would be flattered if you are able to take a moment to look at this and give me any feedback. :) Thanks
December 5th, 2011
Hi @renelou !!!
Apologies for kinda late response.

I am in no place to give tips but here are some I noticed:

- LIGHTING is the key to make a convincing manipulated image like this. In this scenario, the lighting is coming from a bit upper left of the image (in reference of the main subject, the girl)... So you to use it as the global lighting for the entire piece. and here are some areas you have to alter:
- put dark areas on the red part of the mushroom. That would be the shadow cast by the sitting girl.
- shadows on the white part of the mushroom made by 'red umbrella part'
- shadows on the grounds made by the mushroom+the girl.
- there is a 'shadow' I noticed on the upper right part of the mushroom. You may want to omit that.

Helpful Tool: Use Dodge to brighten some areas. and Burn to darken. Play with the settings and you'll get it right.
(I use Photoshop btw)

- another area is the FOCUS, since it's like imitating a macro shot. As you may noticed on my works, I avoid going to this perspective because Zooming in means you have to fine tune the details... I prefer a wider picture. But for this scene:
- try to pick a less blurred background and let's see how it will look like. It may lessen the 'macro effect' but just try and see which one will you prefer.
- you may want to play focus / blur on some butterflies.. The butterfly should have same amount of focus (more likely) with the flower it is resting.
- put a little little little bit blur on sharp edges.

Useful tool: Blur
play around the settings such as size and strength.

Some playful additions:
1. texture (maybe bokeh or something)
2. I will use simple basic round brush for the fireflies effect... Sparkle stars just don't work for me..

version1 is already passable for me. I am not really a pro when it comes to this. I hope this comment of mine would be helpful. :)
December 6th, 2011
I like #1.
And @arielmagyawejr "I am in no place to give tips" are you kidding? I think you are the best at capturing imagination.
December 7th, 2011
Thank you all SO much for your feedback and critique! I think I'll adjust the color slightly and fix a couple minor problems, then off to the printer. I hope my friend loves it!
Oh, and Ariel, I agree with Anna. :)

@annaruth @arielmagyawejr @mikew @jinximages @raggleroo @5unflow3r
December 7th, 2011
@annaruth thank you anna.. but still, I have lot more practice to do.. thank you... means a lot...

@renelou i think you made it better!!! and you are right for changing the tones... the previous versions will look dark when printed, i guess!!! Well done!!! :)
December 7th, 2011
@jinximages suggestion about the flowers paid off, it looks a lot more balanced now. I'm sure she'll LOVE it. Great job.

December 7th, 2011
@renelou I LOVE it! The shadows were definitely the missing element.
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