critique please!

December 25th, 2011
hey everybody, i just made it to day 300 and i want to make the most of the last 65 days of my project. i'd love any and all critique or feedback! your comments mean a lot. thanks!
December 26th, 2011
You have a lot of interesting shots. Nice interesting perspectives, a lot of abstract and macro stuff. Your technique looks solid and you seem pretty creative. Not really sure what to suggest. What did you want to get out of your project? Maybe you could look at the Popular Page and get some ideas of things you haven't done yet and give them a try.

Currently I see a few B&W images, have you done those? I don't remember any. Or there are some nice high key and low key images. One nice one of some long shadows. A nice sunset.

Or go out after dark and get some long exposures with light trails, take pictures of bubbles or smoke, or a long exposure of something lit with a flashlight. Things like that force you to experiment with camera settings, so you'll probably learn something, and also they can stimulate creativity.
December 26th, 2011
I agree that you have alot of interesting shots. I really like all your "eye" shots. really nice. I would try to attempt any and all kinds of things you havent done yet since there are so many helpful people on 365. Give it a try- anything.
December 26th, 2011
thanks for all of your suggestions! i think i'm going to take your advice and try a lot of new things for my last couple of months here. thank you to everyone who has taken the time to look at my pictures - it means a lot :)
December 26th, 2011
@rleonard Jumped over and looked at your pictures Rachel and I agree with Michael's assessment. You choose some really interesting angles and subjects which makes you a solid and creative photographer. You tend to do close-ups (at least in the month I looked at), so to expand your range, I'd suggest you look at trying to shoot "large" subjects- like landscapes as an example- the idea being something out of your comfort zone, which will get you looking at your world from another perspective. I don't think you need to work on technique- you seem to have mastered your camera on a level above most people your age- and you definitely can spot a quirky picture when you see one (I love the toothbrush shot!!). So as Jann and Michael suggested, if you want to broaden yourself during these last 65 days I'd check out pictures on the latest page or the popular page that are different than what you normally shoot, but interest you and try to do something similar as a learning experience. This will also keep you inspired. Or, I have found joining in the challenges also sparks creativity and gets you shooting things you don't usually shoot too. Congratulations on 300! And best wishes for the final 65!
December 26th, 2011
@olivetreeann - thank you Ann for your feedback!! i will do my best to try new things :)
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