when uploading a picture?

December 26th, 2011
I have noticed when i upload a picture that the time it says I am uploading is totally wrong and then info on picture on the right hand side is also incorrect...said I took a picture in July of 2009 that I just took yesterday December 24th, 2011 is there somewhere that I can adjust information or is coming from my camera that way?
December 26th, 2011
@rainstorm What does the EXIF information on your photo say? How about the date and time settings in your camera?
December 26th, 2011
Doesnt look like it is your camera if you took them Dec 23, 24 and 25th as they are not 3 consecutive days. They are June 09, July something 09 and then a week before that one. Looks odd. What does your camera have for date?
December 26th, 2011
Actually it is my camera, I don't have date set to show up on pictures so I never really paid attention to date until I noticed what it was saying when I uploaded here...I've fixed it now LOL! Thanks ladies..hopefully I have it resolved....
December 26th, 2011
First check the date/time in your camera menu is correct.

Next, if you're on Windows, right click on the image in windows explorer, select properties, look at Details tab (this may vary depending on exactly what version of windows) and see if you can find the EXIF data where it says Date Taken.

Next, your processing software, if you've edited it, may alter the EXIF data.

December 26th, 2011
Another quick tip for photos you have already made and want to correct to the correct date/time stamp. Picasa has an option to quickly update the date/time stamps on one or a whole bunch of photos at a time. You just set the correct time and date on the first photo of your selection, and Picasa will use the timedifference to set all photos on their respective correct times and dates.
I use it a lot when Daylight Saving Time changes here and I forget to update the camera :-)
December 26th, 2011
@raymond Oh, wow, I completely forgot about Daylight Savings Time. I bet my cameras time is off by an hour. Thanks for that.
December 26th, 2011
Thanks everyone and Raymond I will definitely check out Picassa. Thanks again everyone!
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