What would you do?

December 28th, 2011
This was a B.I.G. group. This is the only shot I've edited b/c I've been sick so there could be a better one. I'm kind of nervous right now because my DH didn't like the photo of my daughter with the light tones...so I haven't even really edited this one much (or really at all). So, how would you edit this? How would you color it?

December 28th, 2011
I'm afraid I'm no good with things like this, but @ltodd may be able to help... :)
December 28th, 2011
An idea that is easy is to take this to black and white (either desaturate or use in picnik), then I would adjust the brightness and contrast, and maybe go with some shadow.

An idea off of that would be for fancier software possibly and a touch out of my level, but I would think about burning the windows which will make them a tad darker. I would also think of doing selective color of read and adding a bit of red to the others. I am not a fan of the matchy matchy, but it could work with selective color.
December 28th, 2011

I would crop the windows out and then play with the brightness and contrast to start with... you can then isolate your daughters face and adjust the colors again..

December 28th, 2011
My approach would be to try a levels adjustment. Slide the center adjustment to the right to darken the overall photo a bit. If necessary, use an erase history brush to bring back the areas that were now to dark. Might have to adjust the percentage of the brush. This takes practice or one leaves halos.
Alternately, @brumbe has the core of another method. Make a duplicate layer. Make the bottom layer B&W. Adjust that layer to the desired values. (burning ang dodging is so much more effective in B&W) Do a layer blend between the two. Might take a bit of experimenting to get that correct.
Hope that helps.
December 28th, 2011
I did one of my granddaughter on Santa's lap and didn't like the background at all, so I used the Smart Brush Tool in Photoshop, selected the background, then darkened it. That gave me the look I wanted and made the subjects stand out more.
December 28th, 2011
nice crop @nikkers
December 28th, 2011

I would blur out the background, adjust the color and levels a bit and like @nikkers, crop it a bit tighter...all in all a lovely family photo...great job getting everyone to pose so nicely lol!@terek55
December 28th, 2011
Thanks so much everyone!! I was considering blurring the background out a bunch ... it's where they wanted to do the photos (couldn't get them outside for much of anything even though it was rather nice). Love to see how everyone else thinks too! Thank you for looking at it :) Appreciate it tons!
December 28th, 2011
@terek55 I like the idea of @4stories really good, because the blurring out the background in this fact is a really good idea. The people are here clearer and the motions in the photo give you a general better impression.
My idea was like this:
December 28th, 2011

I stuck with a crop tight as suggested before, then tweaked the exposure and contrast just a bit, then turned to black and white,....
December 28th, 2011
@tamaralara - nice one:)
December 28th, 2011
@tamaralara i would definitely change to black and white. the people in the red tops are too loud and not evenly spaced in the shot. the photo feels lopsided. B&W fixes this.
December 28th, 2011
@4stories @scatochef --I think that it would help also to straighten the photo out a bit, but I didn't do it. I also thing that by trying to blow out the windows in the back helps take away the look of just being in someone's house and any distractions there might be in the background.
December 28th, 2011

This is such a lovely family shot Terry!
I applied a correction for the wide angle lens, applied a tight crop, then used the colour replacer in PSP to match the reds of the shirts with the cherry red of the young boy's shirt, and turn the central blue shirt to black.
I cloned out the background vases and paintings on the wall, applied some vibrancy, sharpening and then softened the remaining window and background luggage. I applied a soft dark vignette, a matte border to match the wall, and a frame in similar tones.
Merry Christmas Elin (@lluniau)
December 29th, 2011
Terry, you could possibly also try a sepia edit ?
December 29th, 2011
@ltodd , wow lyn......nicely done! i love the edit with the mat and frame!
December 29th, 2011
@ltodd Oh wow!! Looks just beautiful! Just beautiful!
December 29th, 2011
@scatochef @tamaralara straighten the photo definitely! And loving the black & white options too!
December 29th, 2011
@carolinemair Thanks! So clear!
December 29th, 2011
@paulaag @terek55 Thanks ladies. :) It really is such a lovely shot, I can imagine it on display in your home Terry.
January 6th, 2012
I can't give any editing advice, but if I were looking at the samples to frame, I would go with either the blurred background or black & white, I think the coloring on those 2 are the best, for the photo and the people.
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