How long does it take to get a Fav?

January 7th, 2012
I was just wondering how long it has taken folks to get their first +fav?

Do you just Fav "quality" photos or those that entertain/inform?

January 7th, 2012
I personally think emotion is involved. If the person feels something inside then they are more likely to fav.

I have been on here for only a couple of days so I don't know how long it takes to get one or even if I have one. :)
January 7th, 2012
People fav photos for different reasons. I'm all over the place, I fave photos for the creativity/skill that was put into the photo, if they're just down right pretty (without being able to tell what if any post processing was done), if they are funny, if they hold some sort of sentimental value.

I'm not sure there is any specific time frame in which a person gets their first fav. It's kind of like the popular page, it happens when it happens. You can't really figure out what is going to impress people or not.
January 7th, 2012
Some people will mention in a comment if they have fav'd your photo. I personally always mention it. Otherwise, if you click on each of your photos, on the right side under "details" it will tell you how many views the photo has and under that will tell you if the photo has favs.
January 7th, 2012
@mej2011 There should be a button to say this photo has not been processed. Being a newbie I feel quite intimidated by some of the photoshopped pics. :)

I guess a lot of it is getting lots of people to just look at your pictures :)
January 7th, 2012
True, a lot of it is getting people to look at your photos. Give it time, you'll develop more followers as you progress in your project, comment on others' work, and participate in discussions.

There is a term "SOOC" which is straight off of camera, which means no editing was done to the shot. A lot of people will use that term when in fact, the shot has no editing done.
January 7th, 2012
Hi Calx, I too am new and just using my droid as my camera. I also don't edit much. Just to occasional crop to remove the laundry basket in the background. lol I can be intimidating looking at all the professional pictures but I decided that my album was going to be mostly true shots of my life. :)
January 7th, 2012
I FAV a photo if it takes me to a "new" place. Something I haven't seen or felt before.
January 7th, 2012
@mej2011 Melissa Oh yes I see. :) Thanks.

@stresseater Laura - I totally agree. I feel that a 365 project is about the person and what is happening in their life and not about anything else.

Me I like the photoshop post side of things but I try to fit in things that happen that day. For example I got a new lounge, so I took photos of me setting the old lounge free in a paddock. I took a photo of me going to get probed by aliens, where in reality I had a sore neck and couldn't leave the house, so I related looking through blinds to not leaving the house and probing to relate to having a sore neck. Both of these photo required post and I decided to do these photos so I could do post on them.
January 7th, 2012
Here is my first fav, exactly two months after I signed up.

I fav because of an emotion or if it's something I want to try and need the exit info
January 7th, 2012
I fav any pictures I know i would like to look at again, so far got more than 1,500! because I think they're beautiful, or make me laugh and I must confess I have a huge collection of cute cats too!
(ps I always say when I fav a pic, even if it's "love it, a fav" I think it's good to tell & know!)
I have no idea how long it takes to have a pic faved. You have to remember that you're doing this project for yourself, it's not a competition, having followers and pictures faved is like a "cherry on the cake" but it can't be a target or you'll be very disapointed. Have fun!
January 7th, 2012
My first fav was actually from day 2 and definitely not edited.

I think folks fav for very different reasons. Personally emotion, wow factor, humor, and something I've never seen before spark my to fav. I've fav'd a lot over the last year. They range from all types of photos.
January 7th, 2012
I also fav things for different reasons, but mostly because I want to remember them and see them again. I enjoy looking through my favs when I'm looking for inspiration. I do try to be a little bit sparing with my favs, just so I dont have a gazillion of them. I can't remember how long it took to get my first one!
January 7th, 2012
Fav's? If / when it happens it happens ;). Don't get hung up about it,

I fav photos the I think will inspire me when I need the extra creative boost.
January 7th, 2012
@calx - I didn't start 365 looking at it as a competition of numbers...followers, favs, top shots, etc. This is about my own desire to improve my skills, stay on top of taking pix, and mostly have fun with my photography. I motivate myself and "compete" only with myself. I challenge myself to learn and grow so I enjoy seeing others photos and what they've acheived. All skill levels are represented on 365 and we all have different reasons for being here. Be patient and just focus on your own growth...the rest will fall into place.
January 7th, 2012
I fav shots for many different reasons. Personal, technical and creativity. I fave all kinds of photos and artists works. I also try to fave new people and persons just getting to know their camera that try to make an effort to tell their story. I really like to encourage people IMO it just sets the bar higher for creative photos and ideas.
January 8th, 2012
@debsphotos I know you are right!
@pete21 I won't

At the Moment I am fav'ing the ones that I would like to try and recreate.. I was curious to the motivation for others.

January 8th, 2012
@calx - I also agree with those that said a FAV is basically something that stirs an emotion in you. You know one when you see one and it is like any type of art...everyone sees something and feels something different when they view it.
January 9th, 2012
Lately the photos I've been FAVing are places that I would love to visit ;)
March 8th, 2012
I have had my first fav today........and managed to get two!
I started on the 1st January 2012.
I fav others when the pictures talks to me!
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