Privacy and Upload help

January 13th, 2012
I love the concept of this website!! ITS IS TRULY AMAZING..anyways....coming to the point...
Is there any privacy setting or anything like that....which would probably stop people from downloading my photos..viewing them i don't have any issue..but i would really not like people downloading my personal is it possible to this?? you know stop people from downloading your pictures?

and...i just joined this website so I'm really a newbie you can say..,to the point, see if by chance i just forget to upload one of my picture on that particular date(i have clicked it,but not uploaded)...,due to some reason u know, is it possible for me to upload it another date?....or i just miss that day's picture and it will remain blank forever?

...(I'm planning to start my project as soon as I'm ready and all ma doubts are cleared, M SO EXITED :P..*waiting to start ASAP)
January 13th, 2012
You can't stop people downloading anything you put on the internet. Ever. It doesn't work like that. Computers don't work like that.
January 13th, 2012
You can upload after the day that you took the photo. Just change the date setting when it comes to doing the details of your uploads. And I agree with Doctor What?.
January 13th, 2012
...but you can back-upload just change the date when you upload it. I don't think anyone uploads every day for 365 days :p
January 13th, 2012
@mitj1202 Why don't you want people downloading your work? If it's copyright type reasons, perhaps a watermark would help?
January 13th, 2012
Don't worry too much about people downloading your shots. I'm happy for you to go and try downloading mine if you want to test out what happens on the site. You'll find you can get them but the quality will be too low to be useful.
Last year I actually made it every day that I had internet access. This year I'm taking life at a more leisurely pace.
January 13th, 2012
Uploading a version just big enough, like 550x365, will limit what someone can do with it. You can try playing with the quality as well, but then you might lose the quality look of the photo. And then there are watermarks, which can detract from the quality of the photo if you plaster it on top of the subject. If you put it on the edge, it can easily be cropped out.

So in the end, upload only what you're not truly attached to selling one day.
January 13th, 2012
If its the idea of someone downloading your 'personal' pictures, I understand, but no once something is on the Internet it's free range. Right click, download, print screen etc there is nothing you can do to keep people from taking your photo except not putting it on. If it bothers you, steer clear of posting anything you don't want someone downloading!
January 13th, 2012
@naomi - you'll be surprised how many people do take, edit and post on the same day, every day for a whole year. It is quite easy.
January 13th, 2012
@jeancarl "Uploading a version just big enough, like 550x365, will limit what someone can do with it."

this! personally I'm not a fan of watermarks, except where people use them as a proper design element within an image - the reason being that they are a feature that distracts the viewer's attention from your beautiful pic. Tools for picking up copyright violations are slowly getting better (e.g. reverse image searches), but like @eyebrows said, once it's on the net you really can't stop people downloading it.
January 13th, 2012
Agree with pretty much what everyone's said. If you're worried, then when you export your images for upload, then save them really small. I think you'll find that there's so much on the internet, not many people will want to save your stuff... unless they're stalking you. Do you have many stalkers? :)

@swilde not necessarily. I just clicked on your recent photo, then the magnifying glass, then right click->save. Its in a relatively large size and ok quality. Not big enough to print in anything serious but its good enough. *ahem* Not that i actually clicked on the save button of course :)
January 13th, 2012
I hear @eyebrows is working on a fix for this.... as what everyone said ^^

The more you worry about it, the less work you can show off. Simples.
January 13th, 2012
i feel so PRIVILEGED now to get SO many replies in say like 12 hours!!...(totally unexpected)
Have to say...people in here are REALLY ACTIVE...awsome..
by the way thx ppl...i got the point...once its on the net its open to everyone...and it can be downloaded by anyone who is able to view i thought what if i could hide it....buh then as a user up said ...i wont be able to reach the maximum number of people...resulting in lesser inputs/feedback...which is why i am here for...
THX alot guy ;)
really helped...
and i love this feeling.. :P...i don't know y...i guess cuz its the first gettin so many replies to a place which is like...REALLY NEW!!
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