Idiots or Why Armature Wedding Photogs Suck

January 16th, 2012
Ok so I was going to make this a rant that if you are going to shoot a wedding you should know what the heck you are doing…and point out all the basic photography things that seem to be lacking with the wedding / event photographers I have seen of late...

Rather I am going to ask…

When you are the client / model and you hire a pro and during the shot it becomes clear the photog is in over their heads or they clearly do not know what they are doing… do you say anything, step in to help, bust out your DSLR prosumer camera and try and prove you are better, or sit back and snicker…?
January 17th, 2012
Hi Jordan! The "professional" photographer that my daughter hired for her wedding was not good (and that is being nice). Thank goodness there were guests at the wedding who took photos and those turned out to be some of the best photos we have. I did end up and compensate one guest because I was pleased that she had gotten so many good shots. Soooooooo, I say, snap away if it becomes obvious that the professional is not so great!
January 17th, 2012
@paulaag glad to hear it happens to other people... and you were able to fix it by finding other photos.

as a general rule I don't bring a DSLR to events where there will be pros. I pocket a little Yak-ME rangefinder and that covers what I want shots of and just enjoy the evening out.

January 17th, 2012
If an individual that hires a person that does poor or less than average work, it may be because

a.) They did not do their due diligence (referrals, review of prior work, etc.)
b.) They were cheap.
c.) All of the above.

I would never jump in front of a person that was hired for it. They did not hire me. If the job sucked, let the courts decide.
January 17th, 2012
Nobody likes an Uncle Bob, dude.
January 17th, 2012
It's a good word, armature.

Did you know that elaborate forms of prothoracic and cephalic armature are a well known feature of beetles in the family Scarabaeidae?

Damn autocorrect ;)

P.S. Oh look, armature photography, right here on 365

January 17th, 2012
I like this thread. I especially like the part about beetles.
January 17th, 2012
@dieter heehee... I have mostly given up with what I type online... maybe if I got a better phone my spelling would get better... ?
January 17th, 2012
@beautifulthing uncle bob is one thing... knowing their equipment better than they do just means I am a gear head and I can predict things like NICL batteries do not work in sub-freezing temps... a 12" softbox is too small for a group of 10 and if you spend only 20 mins of a 2 hour shoot shooting you are either spending too much time playing with your rented 'pro' canon equipment which you clearly have never used before today or you don't know how to set the camera for the effect you saw in someone else's wedding photos and you wanted to do today....

or your models are perfect...
January 17th, 2012
@jinximages @dieter would you believe it was a clever play on 'arm-chair' quarterback and amateur

January 17th, 2012
@icywarm That sounds feasible to me!
January 17th, 2012
It's painful for me, hell, it was before I even did photography. But much worse now. I have a friend getting married in May, I told her flat out that I will bring my equipment for back up to the photog she hired, just in case...
January 17th, 2012
I have a friend who hired a cheap HORRIBLE photog for her wedding and then asked me (a pro) to bring my camera to get all the good shots. I'm still undecided if I will bother. It's not really my problem that she didn't want to spend money on me or another pro. I will happily take my p&s, but its my day off. I don't think I will work for free. She had her chance at hiring me and burnt that bridge.
January 17th, 2012
@ariananeala ha that is ballsy, at least my buddy put me in the wedding party so I couldn't shoot it too...
January 17th, 2012
@ariananeala don't bother. they wanted to play cheap, expecting you to save the day.
-(not single directed)- i charge a cheap price of shooting a wedding ($2500 minimum) add cost if possible bridezilla. i have also had some not understand it is a lot more than just snapping photos, and at the same time flown across the country several times to shoot weddings. this is one point that is a killer for photogs, the 'my friend has a camera and will charge $200' mentality. *shudder*
if a 'friend' wanted me to shoot, pay up, or suck it up is my cold bitter attitude :)
January 17th, 2012
@ariananeala Wow, that's kind of nervy. I don't blame you.
January 17th, 2012
@ariananeala That is out right rude! you deserve better than that, I would find that really insulting considering you're the professional.

The saying "You get what you pay for" is very true...
January 17th, 2012
My wife and I went freebie and had my brother, who is a landscape photographer, and an old family friend who used to be a police photographer (!), do all our pics. As well as random shots from guests with their own cameras, we ended up having a great album.
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