Creative Content Under Fire

January 19th, 2012
A couple of years ago when I was about to take the CSET Art test to work on getting my teaching credential, I had to make a portfolio of my art work. I used a retail store's photo service to print up 8 x 10s of my work. When I went to pick it up, they actually had to call the manager because they did not want to give me my prints because they thought it was illegally copyrighted work. I told the manager, "What do I have to do, bring in my paintings so you could see I made them myself, do I have to get out the acrylics so you can see me paint so you can see my skill?" At the time I was flattered to think that they didn't want to give me my own work because they thought it was professional, but that was small potatoes compared to this.

I don't like to get into politics, but the SOPA and PIPA will not only effect the US, but the whole world when they start sticking their fingers into the internet and trying to stop us from making our own creative content. This video really explains it well, please take a look and share it all you want!
January 19th, 2012
amen, Debbie... thanks for posting this. i wholeheartedly agree with you!
January 19th, 2012
Super post. I'll post this vid to my FB
January 19th, 2012
Excellent video..shared it out
His talk reminded me of how the recording industry wanted to have tapes that erased the content as they played (to discourage coping).
January 19th, 2012
@myla I vaguely remeber hearing about those tapes.. I'm glad they were never really marketed and used!
January 19th, 2012
@veralynnds there was something about mp3s too, but I don't really remember exactly, but something about it breaking your devise.
January 19th, 2012
@myla right after "O Brother Where Art Thou" came out, I loved it so much that I got the soundtrack, that was during that phase where the record companies were trying out all kinds of piracy protection schemes. Well I remember I had to spend days trying to fix my computer after trying to rip the cd. I can't remember all now that went wrong with it, but now whenever I see anything with that movie, I don't remember the movie, I remember all the trouble it caused with my computer!
January 19th, 2012
Excellent post, Debbie. I've run into this same problem from time to time. I finally overcame it by jargonizing them to death with confidence. It was something along the lines of "Yes, I understand this looks professional and you don't believe that I created it myself. let me assure you this is a 300 DPI CMYK PSD file. If I must I can bring you my laptop and we can open it up in Photoshop and you'll see all image layers and vectors are intact." The response I got was a blink and an "Ok." by a clerk who had no idea what the hell I had just said. :)

SOPA was on my mind yesterday as well:
January 19th, 2012
In relation to the first part - I love when labs do this. It comforts me that they are looking out for the pro photogs and artists. On the rare occasion that I allow a client to have digital files for print, I include a document for them to show the lab, giving permission for printing and with my contact details and website information. When I find a client has ripped a photo from a gallery (usually with Copyright information in a watermark) and had it printed, I get the urge to go to the lab where they got it printed and yell at people. It happens more than you'd think (and I find out about it more than you'd think).

In relation to SOPA - I heard that it has been scrapped. Is this not the case? I'm certainly against it, regardless of it being a USA thing (so far).
January 20th, 2012
@jinximages The sponsor of the bill has sworn he will keep trying to get it passed. So, its been avoided for now but we have to keep paying attention.
January 20th, 2012
Shame about most of the comments on that page, people don't seem to understand copyright, but it's a great video.

The nessessary laws are there at the moment, they just need to be used, I think that the shutdown of Megaupload will now deal a mortal blow to the ambitions of US congress.

January 20th, 2012
Btw lol, the bill proposes the equivelent of removing the phone number from the phone book, you can still ring through if you know the number.

So those who want ripped cd's, hacked programmes, cracks, etc etc will share the ip's amongst themselves won't they?
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