How much time do you spend looking at your own photos?

February 22nd, 2012
^Pretty much that : P

I find myself looking at my own photos a lot, and I'm not always sure why. I'm not looking at views, or comments, or favs (I do read all comments, of course- thanks for every single one!), I'm just looking at them, taking them in, trying to figure them out kind of but without -thinking- too much about it.

So, how much time do you spend looking at your own photos?
February 22nd, 2012
I do look at mine, too, sometimes I kind of critique them over and over wondering how they would have looked if I had done something different to them. Some I look at and decide I don't like them much and others I look at and think I did a good job on them. I even think that I would fav some of them if they weren't mine. LOL
February 22nd, 2012
@mittens Haha, I like that you would fav them : )

I often find myself thinking how much I wish someone else would've taken the picture because this person or that person would have just done a little better. I really wonder what it would be like if I could actually look at my photos with a completely clear and clean perspective- not knowing they are mine, you know? I wonder what I'd think of them.
February 22nd, 2012
I do as well. I think it is a calming thing for me. Most of mine are of my kids and we have such hectic days with me working FT and then trying to get everything in, homework, dinner etc. Looking at the pics everyday gives me a differenct perspective, less chaotic. I feel blessed and happy looking at the pictures.
February 22nd, 2012
i do look at mine quite a lot... trying to figure out if they work, why they work, why they don't work, what i was thinking when i thought they worked in the first place, what i would do differently now, whether i could even do it differently if i tried, how someone else might have done it, why their way would have worked when mine didn't, and on and on and on... clearly i could make myself insane if i tried hard enough... fortunately i am comparatively lazy... or maybe i just have many other things to obssess about equally... or maybe i am crazy and just don't know it...
February 22nd, 2012
@mariboo That's a really nice way to look at it : )

@northy Maybe that's why I don't attach many thoughts to it and am largely like, 'Derrrr...' ; ) Osmosis, baby!
February 22nd, 2012
I do look at mine, but I mostly like to look at the calendar view of my project. For some reason I really like the way it looks, as it gives an overall quick insight into the colours and feel of the album. Like this month, my colours and photos are more muted and dreamy generally, whereas last months calendar is more bright rainbow colours. I must say that I have looked at some of the earlier photos I posted and I do cringe a bit. Oh well, it's all a learning process :)
February 22nd, 2012
@stuckinoz Same!! I want my calenders next year to look that way!!
February 22nd, 2012
@echoia husband got this AppleTV thing to watch netflix or something and he set the screensaver up to be my flickr stream...on our 46" High Def TV. I get mesmerized watching how cool my photos look that big. Then I realize what's going on and that I've been sitting there watching the stupid screen saver for half an hour. I'm glad I'm here by myself most of the time. :)
February 22nd, 2012
So far, I have only 4 posted. So - no surprises. But I do go over my pictures quite a few times, looking for lights, shadows, and other compositional issues. I am trying to keep all of that straight in my head.
February 22nd, 2012
@sdpace Yeah except you just shared that info with us : P
February 22nd, 2012
@echoia :)
February 22nd, 2012
I spend time looking at the pictures I post here after they've gotten some comments because I want to figure out what it is that people see in them.
February 22nd, 2012
Just to answer comments and then I move on. I am always chasing the next location, the next new thing. I spend way more time looking at others great shots and figuring out how to imitate it.
February 22nd, 2012
@sdpace :)
February 22nd, 2012
I look a lot. I go back through in calendar view & see what catches my eye to click on :) good memories!! and some not so good ones, lol! And I like to see what others have liked. It's been helping me choose some to print & sell. I'm preparing for an art show & picked up some large 16 x 20 prints today for display. So of course, when I got home I laid them all out on the floor & have been walking by looking at them all day!! hee hee. Proud mama!
February 22nd, 2012
@bekahbell That sounds like a lot of fun! I'd love to do that. "Step lightly, please!"
February 22nd, 2012
a collosial amount of time! I review to see what I might have done better or to make myself feel better if I'm taking crap cuz I really like some of my pictures. I sometimes wish we could fav our own shots!
February 22nd, 2012
@sdpace I am so off to rig my laptop up to the t.v now Stacey..... I do check my project out, sometimes I wish I could wipe some pics away. I have only amazed myself once with my own pic and I'll be getiing it printed for my wall :) I am totally embarrassed by some of them, but I think reviewing makes you try a little more.
February 22nd, 2012
My Mac screen just makes them look so good... :-)
February 22nd, 2012
I do too. But not in a vain kind of way, in an appreciation for the beauty I've brought to life of everyday objects and things. It makes me feel content inside.
I also critique them sometimes too, looking at the composition, lighting etc and thinking about other ways I could have taken the photo.
I think photography is a wonderful thing and should be looked at often, whether it's someone else's photos or your own :)
February 22nd, 2012
about 36 secs
February 22nd, 2012
I like looking at my photos too. Glad to find out that I'm not the only one who looks at their own like this. :-)
February 23rd, 2012
I do it all the time. But most of the time, I critic them more than enjoy them.
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