Need Advice for Photography Group

May 27th, 2012
So, I'm taking a photography class right now and one of the things that our teacher keeps saying again and again is "form a photography group so you retain more information from this class when its over."

Two other girls from the class and I have decided that the three of us are going to make a group. So far, based on what we've picked up from our teacher is that we should be meeting on a regular basis, setting up our tripods, and taking several photos of the same thing, adjusting the stops to replicate correct exposures but change dof, motion or detail and write down the values for each photo and how we think its going to turn out. Then we meet, chat about photography, and critique each others work from the previous meet.

We have a few other ideas too for how we could get the best value from the group out of this time, like go through our class notes, discussing the information and making sure everyone's clear on it. Another thought was to just keep up on practicing and practicing the plain old boring calculations for maintaining correct exposure when increasing or decreasing different kinds of stops.

I was wondering if anyone else on here has had any experience with this kind of photo group (or any other kind) and had any pearls of wisdom on the subject? Any other ideas about how we could get the most value out of our time together as a group in terms of learning would be really helpful!

May 27th, 2012
when I meet others from 365 I find it much more interesting to have the subjects lined up but to take your shots as you see them and then compare each pov with each person.
May 27th, 2012
Check for groups that may already be in your area. It's a great way to retain information as well as sharing knowlege with others.
May 27th, 2012
You hire a studio between you, get a time for content model off and shoot with her. Most studios include lights with the fee, and some supply a technician. That's one session, another might be hire another model and do a back lit/ fill flash shoot in the evening as the sun goes down. Your format sounds fine, endless possibilities.
May 27th, 2012
@brumbe I like Paula's idea; pick the target but let each photographer take it their own way. That way you can feed off of each other's successes.
May 27th, 2012
How about a mid meet challenge, the next person decides on the theme each time. That way you all have something to do inbetween meetings on the same theme but shot in different surroundings. : )
May 27th, 2012
I almost joined one that was starting up and then it didnt happen, so I was going to set one up, then I started 365 project and didnt follow through but some things that happen in these groups when I looked were:
- guest speakers - you just need to find someone who knows more than you guys about something (eg camera basics, post production) and invite them along
- themes - like on here, set monthly themes eg aperture, low light etc and people must bring a number of photos to the next meeting.
- competitions (judged by an outsider or the guest speaker)
- set up a facebook page for your group to share photos and do the organisational stuff.
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