Thank you, 365!

July 28th, 2010
I have reached 50% completion on my first 365 project! When I first started this project, I thought it would be good to encourage me to do what I love everyday and to maybe improve my skills. Little did I know…

Since starting this project I can say without hesitation that my skills have definitely improved and I am still as in love, if not more so, with photography. What I did not expect was that this would become so much more than photography. Since joining 365 I have not simply joined a photo project but a family, too. I have met some of the most extraordinary people here. I have developed friendships that will endure whether I continue this project tomorrow or not. I am constantly inspired by the strength, humor and sheer ridiculous talent I see here each and everyday. I have been witness to and participated in some of the most extraordinary random acts of kindness. I have been allowed to be authentically me and have been accepted for exactly who I am. I am proud of my project, I am proud of the progress I have made as a photographer and I am proud to be part of such an amazing community.

It is impossible to mention everyone by name but I would like to thank you for being my friends. Thank you for all of the gifts you share each day and thank you for being a part of this amazing community. I have said it before and I will say it again, I am so incredibly lucky!

*hugs* ~ Autumn
July 28th, 2010
Congratulations on hitting the halfway mark! I've enjoyed seeing your beautiful images every day and getting to see the world through your eyes. I remember you were one of the first people here to comment on one of my photos, and it meant a lot to me that you took the time to do so. This really is a wonderful community, and I'm glad that it's helped your photography and that you've been able to establish great friendships. I look forward to seeing what the second half of your project has in store!
July 28th, 2010
Right back at you Autumn! Congratulations on reaching the half-way mark and realizing the best part of 365 and that, of course, is the people. Without all the friends willing to share their stories, it would just be a photo site, and it is so much more than that.
July 28th, 2010
Congratulations on hitting 50%! I love 365 as well! It's fantastic, and I feel the same way you do! Especially right now in my life, a difficult time, everyone is here for me! It truly is like a second family to me! You all rock!
July 28th, 2010
Congratulations, Autumn! I've enjoyed your photos and look forward to more :)
July 28th, 2010
You've brought us some beautiful pictures along the way; they've been wonderful! (But I thought you began back last October ahead of everyone?) This certainly has been a perfect site for connecting with others and sharing what we love about photography; I know it's meant such a lot to you and you know how much I've loved it as well! Your note to the community was really sweet & I continue to look forward to seeing the sights you love through your photos!
July 28th, 2010
Well said. I think there are a lot of other "365 patriots" here who really believe in and love this community. :)
July 28th, 2010
Congratulations and yes, we have enjoyed your pictures and I think we all appreciate the community here too.
July 28th, 2010
Ha Cha Cha Cha!

ok, I have no idea why I typed that. It was the first thing that came to mind. I just woke up.
July 28th, 2010
Thank you too to 365 from me, I have improved so much and looking forward to learning and improving much more!!
July 29th, 2010
July 29th, 2010
My sentiments, too Autumn. It's been great meeting you, and everyone else, here!
July 29th, 2010
happy half way point! When I started this project I never in a million years thought I would care so much about seeing the growth in all my friends. I just assumed I'd upload a picture everyday and be done with it, but now I refer to some of my project friends by name around my house like I have known them for years, and have even become fb friends with a few. :)
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