spa opening photos.

June 24th, 2012
Some good advice needed here. I've been asked to give a price to take photos for a spa opening day. The lady has seen my work, so thats a good start. She wants photos of the spa and the therapists.
I just don't know where to start with prices, should I charge per hour or package with a disk of images or with a set amount of prints? And how much? (I'm UK based)
Thanks in advance.
Lorraine : )
June 24th, 2012
I'd charge a flat rate for the day or morning. then charge for any prints you have to make with a big mark up, but won't she just want digital images? You could use dropbox if there's further editing to be worked on, maybe bump your day rate up to allow for editing for a few hours afterwards. I do this with models and the editing and back and forth can take as long as the shoot. Personally I think I work on about £70 for a morning £110 for a full day but thats amateur prices, and they're prices I set in my head, I usually waive them or drop them when faced with a project I like the sound of. You'd probably charge more.
dropbox is file sharing software and its free.
June 24th, 2012
I was thinking of having a flat rate then work out the best price from there. Its the post shutter editing the really eats up the hours so I need to be careful with my final price, I'm planning on meeting her to get a better idea of what she expects. I use dropbox for my course so I have that already. Thanks Dave : )
June 24th, 2012
Do you do this professionally or more as a hobby. I do it as a hobby and have been hired to do shoots. Since it is extra money for me i usually ask them what is there budget. Id rather get the work and get the experience than give a price thats too high and not get it. That being said, come up with a price that will leave you and the client happy. good luck!!!
June 24th, 2012
@jsilver I want to develop into doing it pro, but its early days yet. It needs to be worth my time as I would need to change other plans to do it, but it will be worth while if I get follow up bookings from it too.
Good food for thought though Jason, thank you : )
June 24th, 2012
@lorraineb I am excited for you! Good luck :)
June 24th, 2012
@boogie Thanks Mags, I am too, just to be asked even if it doesn't happen in the end. I'll keep you posted : D
June 24th, 2012
Wow Lorraine that's fantastic news. Good luck with everything. Sorry I cant be any help in answering your question!!
June 24th, 2012
@k1w1 Thanks Christine, fingers crossed it will work out : )
June 24th, 2012
Don't sell yourself cheap as its your first gig, remember they have approached you.

You might also want to think about what the client is getting. For example my pricing would depend on what you are selling the client. Is it exclusive rights, temporary exclusive rights, digital images for a website, digital images for future advertising campaigns, or just prints as that would affect the price dramatically.

Do I now have to consider you competition ;)
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