Photography Exhibit?

August 9th, 2010
Has anyone here ever done an official exhibit of their work either in an art gallery or cafe? Or any venue at all? If so, do you have any advice on how to get started with something like that?
August 9th, 2010
i haven't but would love to!
August 9th, 2010
I have friends that are painters that do this. You need to go in and introduce yourself, ask who picks out the featured artists and how someone gets involved. Chances are things hang for a month and that you will have to hang your own pieces, so bring a friend. Then it's moving up to the galleries etc. Someone might ask for an artist statement, so be prepared for that. Hope that helps out some.
August 9th, 2010
Well, I've corresponded through email with the gallery owner, and I went in to see the space, but he wasn't there. He saw some of my stuff, and wants a resume and bio, which I'm a little lost on. I don't know what I could possibly put in a resume/cv that has to do with art, as I've never done an exhibit before. And I guess I wondered: how many photos? what sizes? should I have only one of each, because what if someone wants the same photo? I'm just completely lost, and I don't want to seem like a complete idiot to the gallery owner.
August 9th, 2010
I just posted another thread telling about my photography class and that our photos are hung on display at the local library for two months. We were also in the local newspaper. It's the "Photography In The News" thread.

How awesome that you could display in a gallery!! Congrats!
August 9th, 2010
I've checked into a local gallery and it's the same as what you mention about resume and's like that at this one because you are applying for a membership to join their artist something or another and it's actually a board that meets and decides if your work fits what they are looking to display. might be the same with yours.
August 9th, 2010
Erin, I think they call that "juried" photos. They have to pass an approval process made up of members. They do this so that they can maintain a high level of quality in the exhibits.

For resume, it's possible they want a portfolio? For bio, visit a photographer's website ... they normally have a bio. Generally, it would include who you are and what influences your art.

The gallery owner should help you understand how many and what sizes to supply. If they are for sale, then they will need backstock. Different locations will have different demographics, so he will be able to help you pick out the most likely to sell in his gallery.

Good luck!
August 10th, 2010
Loni, the resume is common among galleries. I would try to look up what you could include in that since what they are looking for is where you have shown your work before. The mission statement in a regular resume is where you put your artist statement. That's all I know. I've only helped my friends hang their art and have listened as they proofed their artist statement with me. And paintings are a whole other beast as no one asks for proofs or samples other than a small stock card that has a collage of their work along with artist contact information. Good luck. I'm sure you will find a ton of information on the internet to get yourself going in the right direction. Including a sample artist resume.
August 10th, 2010 In these examples they are not giving an artist statement, maybe that would be better saved for the bio... but a ton of information is online (just double checked) so you should be able to find out where and if you need that... since my what I know is from a different genre and could change from place to place.
August 10th, 2010
Thanks so much everyone. I have found some info on the internet, but there's so much to sort through! Thanks for giving me some guidance.
August 10th, 2010
:) Good luck.
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