Photography books, websites (etc.) for a total novice

August 4th, 2012
Can someone suggest some good literature or websites for me to start learning more about photography techniques, 'rules' and styles.
I have been learning alot off here (365project site) about things, which is great, but I often don't get alot of time to peruse the boards to really learn things, or I read a thread and don't get a minute to put it into practice and forget about what I have read!
August 4th, 2012
I have a book by Jeff Revell in the "from snapshots to great shots" series that i quite like as it is quite simple... it is espcially for the type of camera i have, but i imagine there may be other in the series that might appeal...
August 4th, 2012
August 4th, 2012
You can always do a google search, too. There is lots of great information and tips out there. Welcome to the world of photography :)
August 4th, 2012
August 4th, 2012
Bryan Peterson's Understanding Exposure is a great book.
August 4th, 2012
Gavin Hoey is always worth a look:
He's also on YouTube. Both he and Bryan Peterson (who @mikehamm just mentioned) are currently doing videos for Adorama TV on YouTube.
I've picked up more than a few types from both.
Another good source is
August 4th, 2012 it costs but well worth the money. I get a lot of great ideas and inspiration from these guys as well as made some friends with some of the instructors.

August 4th, 2012
I love (they have a composition section too)
Its a great place to start, also free :)
August 4th, 2012
Improve photography good general stuff
Ken rockwell really good reviews of gear and some really good articles. Love how he writes, even if he is a nikonian :P
August 4th, 2012
@monika64 I was just going to say the same thing! Excellent site, that's how I found my way to 365! Get the's brain candy
August 4th, 2012
Ooohhh!! Thanks everyone! I will have to do some research once my kidlets go to bed tonight!
August 4th, 2012
I love a good photography book, and Chris Orwig's 'Visual Poetry' is the best I've ever read. I couldn't recommend any book more then his!! if you want a creative and artistic guide, this is for you :) I don't have it, but I get it from the library often. if you want something a little bit more basic rules, then Scott Kelby's book 'The Digital photography book' is great.
those are just a few I've read :)
also, I suggest you find a few photographers who's work you LOVE and follow their photo blogs. this is very inspiring for me, as I can then see a lot of fresh work that way!
August 4th, 2012
oh one more thing :)
this website really helped me a lot when I first got into photography and I still like it. there are a lot of good articles and tips. here is just a random article that I came up with when I was looking for the site. ;)
August 4th, 2012
"Bryan Peterson's Understanding Exposure is a great book" I agree with Mike - this book is great - especially if you are grappling with the exposure triangle!
August 4th, 2012
I agree with MIke and Kelly. Any book by Bryan Peterson is great. Also check out his website for videos.
August 4th, 2012
Another vote for "Understanding Exposure", also "Chasing the Light" by Ibarionex Perello, and everything ever written by Ansel Adams.
August 4th, 2012
Jase @38mm beat me to it. "Chasing the Light" is an excellent read. Really made me think about things in a new way.
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