Website Help

August 17th, 2012
I'm currently looking into setting up a website for my eldest sons school Parents Association and was wondering if anyone had any good suggestions of free places to set up one. I know there is Wix which I've used and like and is free but thought I'd see what else is out there first. Also it needs to be accessible through all forms of media ie computer, mobile phone etc (probably a silly question/request but I don't and never have had a mobile phone that has access to the internet so not sure how that works).

I would as well like to set up a galleries page but this has to be password protected so only those given the password through the school can access it. I've never had to do this before and was looking for some pointers about the best way to go about that... and something easy too. :D This part has to be approved by the Head Teacher so it needs to be very secure.

Thank you in advance for any help and info.
August 17th, 2012
@Scrivna - spam - just above my post
August 17th, 2012
Unless you have experience with the technical side of websites I recommend you have a go with something that is more content based. I suggest you look at this place...
It is a world class system and there are literally millions of sites around the world including some very technical ones and some large corporations that use this system.
While Wordpress is billed as a blog system it is also a fully featured website system. You can have as many ordinary web pages as you want and still use the blog feature.
It's free, there is brilliant support out there and there is plenty of potential for design and growing your site. The features are limited with the free site but there is lots of potential if you pay for it and the prices are reasonable.
It's a great system, very flexible and fun to learn (no technical stuff!). If you want to make the site really rock then you can move to other web space with it (they will even help you for a small fee) change designs (themes) and add more advanced features.
As part of my work I develop websites and Wordpress is really ideal for the sort of work you describe. My clients are asking for it more and more. I build sites for clients from scratch using Wordpress, but is great way for people to self-start. Enjoy!
August 18th, 2012
Hi Sarah, just a thought, and maybe you have reasons for not wanting to go this route, but I assume the school already has a website? Could you not incorporate your Parents Association in to that?

I worked in a school for six years until last year and everything to do with the school was included on the one site even though many people were responsible for adding to it and editing it. It kept everything in one place and in the same format. It also helped people that were from outside the school (prospective parents, etc.) know that they could find everything on the one site. As it was a state school, all necessary security for passwords, etc. was already in place (and I would assume that this is the same for independent education too).

Just a thought for you to consider! I wish you luck with whichever route you decide to pursue! 😊
August 22nd, 2012
@netkonnexion @godders @mariaswaisland

Sorry to take so long in getting back. Thanks for those links and info and I'm currently looking into wordpress (although trying to concentrate on this while my two boys playfight next door is not easy! lol).

Maria, yes the school does have a website but I think we want to keep ourselves seperate from it, we have our own newsletter we send out seperately from the schools and we are also looking at having our own facebook page and thought a seperate website would be better. But all this could change, I have to get something ready to show our Chairperson and also the schools Head Teacher.

Again thank you everyone for your help.
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