Sharing your passion

August 28th, 2012
My daughter, for the past 8 1/2 months, has been tirelessly listening to me as I chatted away about my 365 Project, and my rekindled passion for photography. She's been one of my biggest supporters and given me some great feedback in the process.

She's always had an interest in photography but never really had to opportunity to delve into in and give it a serious try...until I bought my 7D and retired my T1i.

She now owns my T1i and I'm thrilled that she's joined us here on the 365!

May I introduce Alysse (@mostlyhuman). My wonderful, driven, creative, and yes, very fabulous daughter! :-)

She's just uploaded her first photo and I suspect she and I will be going off to do some shoots together now. I couldn't be more pleased to be sharing this passion with her. If you have a moment, stop by her page and say "Hi", I know she'd love to hear from you.

Has your passion helped bring someone to our little community? I'd love to hear about it!

August 28th, 2012
When I started my year 1 I brought my mother, father, sister, cousin, and uncle along for the ride. Unfortunately, we've all pretty much given up by now.
August 28th, 2012
Patty I looked for her but couldn't find her. Can you please link her photo in this thread?
August 28th, 2012
okay, snakes give me nightmares and make me nervous, so when there are other pics, i'll go look again.
August 28th, 2012
A couple months into my project, my brother-in-law, my daughter and 2 of her friends joined. Tori and her friends are gone now (said it felt too much like work) but Sean has finished his year and still going strong!
August 28th, 2012
Melissa, I'm sorry to hear that you've given up, I took a look at your album and your work is wonderful! This project can be challenging and at times demanding, but well worth the effort! Your June album was full of wonderful animal (zoo?) captures! I'll be following you in hopes that you will find the joy in it again... :-)

August 28th, 2012
Summerfield... LOL! Lava is completely harmless, I assure you.

August 28th, 2012
Jenn, I appreciate the work that goes into this project and am thrilled to hear that Sean completed his project and has decided to continue on with us! His work is wonderful and will be following him (and you)!

August 28th, 2012
My mum and I both joined this together. We got a new camera and wanted to do something with it...hence 365 =P x
August 28th, 2012
And a great first image it is!

I haven't been able to inspire anyone to start the 365 Project, but my girlfriend has started playing with her point and shoot more, and is starting to develop her eye.
August 28th, 2012
That is so awesome, Patty! How fun to go out together and have that bond! Can't wait to see her first shot!
August 28th, 2012
Christine, what a wonderful way to spend time together! I'll have to stop by and check out your album! :-)

August 28th, 2012
Chris, sounds like you do have a prospective convert in the making though... ;). Should she join, let us all know so we can support her efforts too!

August 28th, 2012
Jerry, loving that she wants to hang out with her old mom! Maybe one of yours will follow in your footsteps too...?!

August 28th, 2012
@socalgal I've mentioned it. She takes photos maybe once a week, and I'm trying to get her to carry her camera more. Working on her. ;-)
August 29th, 2012
For some reason when I happened across the old Pentax today, my husband all of a sudden became so interested in playing with it. Took him with me on an already planned trip to the cemetery for some picture taking. Next step is talking him into joining 365 :)
August 29th, 2012
And that's how it starts...we dangle an old camera at them, subtly take them with us on a photo shoot, then BANG! We've hooked 'em!

Let us know if he joins our community so we can welcome him in! :-)

August 29th, 2012
Thanks! I'm glad you enjoyed my June zoo series, that was a lot of fun for me to shoot. I'll try my best to get back into the swing of things here.
August 29th, 2012
My daughter continually takes the mickey out of my photo taking despite having spent the last however long telling me I need to get a hobby!! My son is very supportive but only managed two days of his own 365, however he starts A level phtography next week at 6th form so I think he may be back!
August 29th, 2012
LOL, maybe your daughter needs a little Point & Shoot to keep her engaged too! Looking forward to seeing your son's enthusiasm rekindled, once he's deep into that class! Between the two, that could give you a bit of respite so you can enjoy your hobby ;-)

August 29th, 2012
My daughter has a point and shoot and her dad's old DSLR but its ok she's moving away soon lol . My son and I do a photo scavenger hunt when we go away and get friends and family to vote - we both enjoy this and its nice to find a shared interest with a 16 year old boy - especially a free one!
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