The 84p Challenge!

September 20th, 2012
As many of you know, I have been setting up a project called 'Escape The Frame' recently to promote well being through photography. (Give us a like on Facebook and a follow on Twitter (@ProjectETF) if you're interested!)

I have just partnered with a not-for-profit social enterprise called Your Square Mile. ( YSM are about making a difference to the community within your square mile. To join their mutual, it costs £10 a year and gives you all sorts of benefits, helping you to run community projects/events at a lower cost.

£10 a year works at 84p a month, and as a promotion, they're asking people to send in pictures of things you can buy with 84p! It's actually a really fun challenge and it does get you thinking!

Here are a couple I've done:

If anyone feels like doing this, that would be fantastic! It's really just great fun, plus it has the added extra of helping you feel good about yourself for helping out with society!!!

If you manage to get some pictures, please either email me at or email YSM directly at with 'YSM Photo Challenge' as the subject. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact me or them, by either email address, either Facebook page, this thread or my project.

Thank you, once again, for all of your help and support. I can't say enough how much I appreciate it! :)

PS. If you're not from the UK,
84p is...
1.36210 USD
1.03758 EUR
1.29177 AUD
1.32301 CAD
Sorry if I've missed our currency out! This website should help if you need to convert it: :)
September 21st, 2012
£10 a month is surely £2.50 a week, or am I missing something?
September 21st, 2012
Sorry! That's my fault and a very tired brain talking! I've changed it now. £10 a year is 84p a month :)
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