Nikon D600 RAW support in ACR 7.2

October 3rd, 2012
Woohoo, Christmas came early again... Adobe Camera RAW 7.2 now provides (preliminary/beta) support for the new Nikon D600:
Ubergizmo: Adobe Lightroom 4.2 and ACR 7.2 now available
(Update your Lightroom to 4.2, ACR gets installed automatically.)
Can't wait to post some pics, stay tuned!
October 3rd, 2012
This is good news for you and others who purchased this camera. I'm hoping to get one this winter. I've been planning on upgrading to full frame and this seems like the perfect fit for me. I'm following you now so I can see all your great shots!
October 3rd, 2012
thanks, @snipsnap. I see you're on a Nikon D90; that's what I've just upgraded from. the RAW support goes a long way to making the Nikon D600 more attractive as an upgrade. I looked over your 365 photos; you'll definitely appreciate what the D600 brings to your style of work.
Others, see my preliminary D600 review here:
I've been compiling a few notes, and now that I have raw, I'll be writing part 2 soon. cheers!
Inviting those from the previous thread to this one:
@wardie, @andysg, @coastandcactus, @jgilker, @sudweeks, @soboy5, @soia, @mikegifford, @mikew, @wardie
October 3rd, 2012
@cameronknowlton - so this resolves the issue you were telling me about? I've been hearing good things about the 600 and am very tempted to get it.
October 3rd, 2012
Looks like, @michaelelliott... I just did an edit on a raw image that I caught yesterday (and had transfered via ViewNX 2). I'll try tonight to transfer from card, and maybe even try a tethered shot. For now, I must work before I play, so stay tuned.
October 4th, 2012
@cameronknowlton thanks again Cameron. I might get one early in new year so will be watching
October 27th, 2013
@cameronknowlton I bought one last week. was super excited. But when I loaded them viaviewnx2, they showed up and when I moved them in a folder on my desk top and tried to open the raw file in lr4, it said something weird, like " the preview unavailable for this file." I even tried to open in PSE11 and it said something similar about not supporting the raw file... did you ever experience something similar?
October 28th, 2013
@julieb65 , have you tried optimizing your catalog? which verson if LightRoom 4 are you using? Mac/PC? version 4.?

which version of Adobe Raw are you running? try running Adobe Updater to see if it has any Adobe Raw or other relevant updates.

also, go into your LR 4 Preferences/File Handling | File Compability pane and ensure that "Maximize PSD and PSB File Compatibility" is set to Always.

hope this helps.
October 29th, 2013
@cameronknowlton version 4.4 , I updated. PC
Under compatability.. it shows Camera Raw 7.1 and later
October 29th, 2013
@cameronknowlton is Adobe Raw in PSE11?sorry I am new to this stuff..
October 29th, 2013
Adobe Raw is support software; Adobe apps will use it for RAW conversion.

check this for sure: go into your LR 4 Preferences/File Handling | File Compability pane and ensure that "Maximize PSD and PSB File Compatibility" is set to Always
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