IR Photos - Anyone shooting with a filter or direct?

October 13th, 2012
I've taken some IR photos recently using a 720nm cut filter using my older Nikon D70 since it is natively less protected from IR than my D7000 or D200. Anyone else having success shooting IR photos with either a filter or with a modified camera? Here are two shots from today.

There are lots of web sites discussing this topic. Here is a nice video that let's you determine if your camera is sensitive to IR, and it has some good information on the topic:

October 13th, 2012
I miss shooting IR. I haven't done any in years (since film) so don't know how on my Nikon D5100. Is there a specific filter I need?
October 13th, 2012
@sarie There are a couple of different filters to pick from but the popular one seems to the 720nm from Hoya and Opteka. You can find these on Amazon and at other locations on-line, the Hoya filters are more costly than Opteka and I'm not sure which are the best. Check the sizes offered for the lens you want to use or you'll need to have a step-up or step-down ring.
October 13th, 2012
Thanks. I'll pick one up and start playing again. I always loved IR,
October 13th, 2012
Ooh! Another IR person. I just picked up a converted D70 body a couple months ago. My most recent post:

October 13th, 2012
My favorite, which I took MUCH artistic liberty with:

October 13th, 2012
And another non-landscape shot:

October 13th, 2012
I have a fair smattering in my album. I took some shots Wednesday that I still need to process. I just love IR.
October 13th, 2012
@cmc1200 Very nice....I've been thinking of converting my D70....your shots may push me 'over-the-edge' ;-)
October 13th, 2012
@cmc1200 AND...I just noticed you shoot with a D7000 as well!

The flowers look great...I find white flowers difficult to shoot normally, but with IR they POP easier. Nice going!
October 13th, 2012
You need to check out the work of @jojo2009! He does some amazing IR work!
October 13th, 2012
IR taken with my Canon A-1 on Ilford IR 400; I used the Polaroid IR720 filter and shot at ISO 25. I have two Olympus digitals in route that I will take apart and convert for digital photography, but for now I am on film! :)

October 13th, 2012
I converted a D70 several years back. It was a pretty scary conversion, but it's really easy to do.

A nice thing about a converted camera over a filter is the faster shutter speeds. Once you convert a camera, you can use IR for portraits.

My friend Ethan does some really great IR work --
October 13th, 2012
probably a stupid question, but if you have a filter on do the shots come out of the camera like these or is there a way to process them too as these all look amazing!
October 13th, 2012
I still shoot my infrared's with a digicam. Ive been tempted to get my old digital rebel converted to IR but have yet to pull the trigger. Ive tried to shoot using my r72 filter on my D7000 but did not like the results. I'm really intrigued by the photos on this thread, I might just get my camera converted. For now Ill break out the old Sony V1 to shoot my IR's, here are a few samples...

October 13th, 2012
I've never seen this before, but these examples look incredible...*slopes off to ebay to buy a filter*...
October 13th, 2012
@grammyn Thanks Katy - we're now following each other!
October 13th, 2012
@amyamoeba Amy, there are lots of examples on the web and it looks like several folks on 365 shoot IR. I agree, the examples posted are really nice!
October 13th, 2012
@jojo2009 Joseph, I tested my D7000, D200 and D70 for general IR sensitivity protection and the D7000 and D200 were well protected with an internal IR filter. However, the D70 wasn't as well protected so that is what I've used with an r72 cut filter. I don't like the setup and slower shutter speeds, and I think I lose some colors with the post processing. I've been thinking of converting my D70 and then shooting direct and after seeing @sudweeks Josh and @cmc1200 Caryn's D70 shots I may just go ahead and get it converted. Thanks for sharing the shots and comments!
October 13th, 2012
@grizzlysghost Thanks for sharing the shot Aaron!
October 13th, 2012
@markyl You can get some pretty go shots straight out of the camera, but usually some post processing is needed for taking out some of the unwanted red colors. I'm not sure how the directly converted cameras behave, but I believe right out of the camera you get great results.
October 13th, 2012
@mikegifford. My pleasure
October 18th, 2012
I finally purchased an old Olympus C-730 on ebay and modified it for IR. These were taken with the modified camera and an IR720 filter:

October 18th, 2012
@grizzlysghost Great shots Aaron! I'm probably going to send in my older Nikon D70 for conversion....I'll most likely get it 'tuned' for the 18-200mm lens instead of the kit 18-70mm.
October 18th, 2012
@mikegifford From what I hear, the D70 makes an excellent IR camera; good luck!
October 18th, 2012
So many of these are outstanding pictures, didn't realize there were so many who play around with IR. I've done a bit, keep an old camera that's fairly sensitive to IR around to use once in a while. I've thought about converting it or another camera to IR but can't justify the cost since I don't use it all that often. Here are a couple I've got in my album here.

My shutter speeds with this camera are pretty slow, but here I was trying for the ghostly motion, too.

October 19th, 2012
@mtngal They look great! Thanks for sharing! I'm also amazed at how many 365ers shoot IR.
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