advice for doing family photos with 2 small children...

October 18th, 2012
I've been asked to do a family photo for my friends who have two small children (ages 2 & 4yrs). The children have a lot of energy and am thinking that I need to be prepared for that when I'm doing their photos.

I would love suggestions, tips, tricks, on how to keep not one but two little ones, engaged with the shoot. I'm already assuming I'll need to work quickly and efficiently, so would like to have a plan in place before I start.

Has anyone done a similar shoot? How did you handle it? What worked well, what didn't?

Thanks all ~

October 18th, 2012
Hi there. The best advice I can give you is be patient. 2 or more kiddos can prove challenging. I usually try and get the together shots that I am going to take first because I have found that it is much more difficult to get little ones to cooperate in a group, even of 2, when they have had enough. I love to have something available for each child to play with on their own while they are not being shot that will entertain them.

Patience is the biggest thing. The kiddos will do pretty much what they want and keep your camera ready cuz they will get comfortable and loosen up. Take lots and lots of photos....make sure you have a charged battery and a backup if you have one. I had a session today and getting all 3 of the kids to cooperate was not happening. Take so many photos that you have a better chance of pulling some good ones out.

I hope this helps. Good luck!
October 18th, 2012
Have FUN and don't expect them to sit still!
Set the parents up first and put the kids in place when you're ready to shoot. Anything you can do to be funny: a squeeky red clown nose, a puppet that talks to them, silly sounds and noises, will draw their attention briefly for a 'sitting together' shot.
Bubbles are also a lot of fun when the kids are losing interest. Then just switch to candids.
A fun setup is for Dad to carry the younger one, or put him/her on his shoulders. Have the older one, between the parents, holding hands. Have the parents swing the child between them as then both kids are having fun (one a shoulder ride, the other swinging with Mom & Dad)

I was at a shoot at LJ Cove when a photographer showed up with a family with 4 young kids. I was in awe of what she was able to do on a crowded beach with the sun quickly going down. It was short, sweet and fun! She had the family holding hands, swinging their arms, the parents sitting with the kids climbing around favorite was the finale when she lined them up, took her position in a distance and had them race towards her...the boys absolutely loved it! I packed that one away for future use :)

Again, have FUN, have a plan but don't force it...go with the flow with the mood and personalities of the kids!
Good Luck! I'm sure you will be awesome!!

October 19th, 2012
Take the posed shots first...the kids will get bored FAST and even in the beginning sometimes if they know they are posing for the camera they will just make silly un-natural faces anyway. If possible get one of the parents to hold a kid on a knee or be engaged somehow, it is very difficult to get the young ones to look at the camera and if they are, the parents aren't! Candids are much easier to get. I ask the kids questions and remembering their names helps loads too lol.
I had my first shoot with small kids recently and I find even if you can grab just one or two shots of the family all together in one spot it's enough to please them and then do lots of candid moment, which the parents usually like best anyway.
Have fun.
October 19th, 2012
I just did photos for my friend and the littlest one was NOT happy. If they don't want to cooperate, there really isn't much you or their parents can is my unhappy, uncooperative little guy:)
October 19th, 2012
Some valium?
October 19th, 2012
Thank you for taking the time to comment on this, both for the advice and the humorous responses! :-)

I've got a better sense of how I'll approach this tomorrow now, so thank you for sharing!

@superbeyotch @intymalcolm @tctime @newbie @paulaag @monicac
October 19th, 2012
I haven't read the above responses but here is an article I bookmarked ages ago with some great suggestions
You could take some bubbles along too. Sometimes it's best to catch them in Candid moments too, or once they relax from their forced smile that they love to put on. Set your camera to continuous shooting mode as their expressions change so quickly. Good luck!
October 20th, 2012
@paulaag That is awesome!!! LOL
October 20th, 2012
@superbeyotch , thanks.....hehe.
October 20th, 2012
Lesley, this article was full of great ideas, thank you for sharing!
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