Photography Courses

January 2nd, 2013
Hi all,

I'm wondering if anyone has done the photography course through the photography institute ( or if anyone can recommend a good photography course (online)?


Mel :)
January 2nd, 2013
I have not heard of them, but that does not mean anything.

The two places that look good to me are the Proud Photography School and Karl Taylor Photography Training.
January 2nd, 2013
I have looked at this too, looks interesting and comprehensive but not yet enrolled.
January 2nd, 2013 This is where I go to regularly. Love their tips and the people there are very generous with their knowledge.
January 2nd, 2013
One of the best photography courses I've taken has been 365Project. The other students are friendly, helpful, and extremely knowledgable (and you hardly EVER hear from the principle @scrivna ). This course constantly challenges your comfort zone, but it is only as difficult as you make it; you have all the control in the world on how you want to learn. Honestly, for the money, this is the best photography class I've ever participated in!
January 2nd, 2013
@melwolters You might check to see if your town has Community Education classes. Would be a great place to start.
January 2nd, 2013
@janesheriff Jane, if you do enroll they have 50% off until feb 28, should be able to get the discount by clicking this link:

@seahorsejenn @chapjohn Thanks, i'll check those out too!

@mike_todd thanks for your feedback Mike! I have the 1/2 price deal already :)

@grizzlysghost yep, I'm loving 365! & I've already learnt new things & it's only been a week!

@nebzphoto I did look into community education but they don't have any digital slr courses & anyway I would find it hard to get to a class with 3 young kids & a hubby who travels a bit for work.

Thanks for all your replies everyone!!!

Mel :)
January 2nd, 2013
Just over a year ago I (and a few of the other people on here) did the open university online course T189. Before then i enjoyed taking photographs but didn't really know one end of a camera from the other. It is a thirteen(I think) week course and takes you through the theory in a really well structured way. It also includes tuition on using Photoshop Elements. The cost of the course includes the software.

I then joined this project so i would keep practicing those new skills and i agree with what @grizzlysghost says you do learn more by doing this but i don't think i would have learned so much without having the basic training in place that i got on the course. In some ways I wish I had done both at the same time!
January 2nd, 2013
@jantan thanks! I'm in Australia but it looks like you can do that course from anywhere. I'll check it out :)
January 2nd, 2013
@jantan I too did the photography course T189 and would thoroughly recommend it.
February 16th, 2013
Just curious if you have enrolled with the photography institute and what you think of it. I am looking for something to help improve my skills and did the NYIP fundamentals course. Looking for something more.
February 19th, 2013
@katsimages - sorry Kat, i saw this the other day then totally forgot to respond!

I did enrol with the photography institute & i'm really enjoying the course. I'm about half way through and so far it has been really informative & im getting a lot out of it. If you are going to sign up do it in the next 9 days though because its still 50% off at the moment if you click the link above! :)
February 20th, 2013
I signed up this weekend. I am so impressed. I went through the New York Institute of Photography's Fundamentals Course. This seems SO much better.

Good luck.
January 15th, 2014
I also started the NYIP @katsimages mentions. When you search on the internet you'll find many negative comments. BUT: they completely remade the course. I e-mailed more than once with them to be sure about it and they really delivered good stuff! The old 'dark room' issues are still in the course, but also all digital items, including iPad, video, a great deal of information. About 30 booklets/magazines, lots of CD's/DVD's and a number of booklets on set up / running a photography business.
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