Advice on buying a new DSLR: anyone got a Canon 60d?

January 3rd, 2013
Hello there. I want to upgrade from my Lumix FZ18 to a DSLR and am thinking of the Canon 60d. Was recommended by a tutor on a course I went on. Any feedback on this one or thoughts on alternatives gratefully received!
January 3rd, 2013
Lorraine, welcome to 365! I'm a long-time Canon user so I naturally think they are excellent products! There are dedicated and avid Nikon users who would guide you to Nikon, though. What's your budget? Why don't you get along to a proper camera store and ask to see both ranges, hold them in your hands and see what feels right for you. Remember also that you'll need accessories - a lens (if you don't buy the kit lens offered), probably a flash (with a swivel head so you can bounce the light off walls and ceilings) and perhaps a tripod. All to be borne in mind when it comes to the budget. Best of luck with 365 and your new camera!
January 3rd, 2013
I'm not familiar with the camera you have now- is that an advanced P&S? If so, here is my recommendation- the 60D is an AWESOME AWESOME camera. That being said though, if you are new to the world of DSLRs and manual settings, I would personally go with a more basic model like one of the Rebels. Here's why- I've had a Rebel xsi for almost 3 years and am just now hitting the point where I feel like I've hit the limits on what it can do. I'm planning to upgrade to the 7D within the next few months. Had I started out with that, I would have had a whole lot of camera with practically no knowledge of how to use it, resulting in 3 years of wear and tear on a camera that I hadn't even begun to explore the potential of. Just my personal thoughts. Either way though, I'm sure you'll be THRILLED with a Canon. They are WONDERFUL cameras and I absolutely love mine! :)
January 3rd, 2013
Welcome to 365 Lorraine! I've been shooting a 60D for 18months and I highly recommend it! I started off with a 1000D but quickly 'grew out of it' so to speak, especially once I began shooting in manual. The 60D is very ergonomic, but can seem heavy and bulky if its your first DSLR. The majority of my project is shot with the 60D and I love it. Feel free to ask me any further questions about it. Good luck with your decision and purchase!
January 3rd, 2013
Excellent camera and great prices right now! It's true what Stacy said, if you are just starting with the DSLRs then you could easily pick up a Rebel first.

However, if you are a person who will learn every part of the camera and use all the features then it doesn't hurt to purchase that one. You just do not want to pay for features you may not ever use.

Also, go to the camera store and try out the Rebels, 60D in person. You need a camera that you will find comfortable to use daily and each person has their own specifications when it comes to which camera is right for them.
January 3rd, 2013
I love my 60D & 50mm To me it is the merriest combo! I have had mine for abot 6 months and I am still learning. I used a rebel for about 4 yrs before that and a 4D0 & 50D at the studio I worked at. The rebels do offer much of the same qualities if you are looking fo something in a smaller price range.
January 3rd, 2013
I got a Canon Rebel t3 about 4ish months ago as my first dslr and I am totally loving isn't so big that it seems intimidating (as my sisters camera seems, I don't remember what she has).
January 3rd, 2013
I was shooting with a Rebel Xsi up until Christmas, when my father gave me a 60D body. I've only been shooting in manual for the last month, but it only took me a week or so after starting to shoot in manual to realize my Xsi wasn't going to give me what I needed unless I invested in some super expensive glass.......
My question would be, what sort of photography are you wanting to do and are you planning to shoot in manual?
January 3rd, 2013
I just got a 600D and it's exceptional. A world apart from my bridge camera. I never believed it could make such a difference.
January 4th, 2013
I've been using a 60D for about 3 months now and I LOVE it.
If you're one of those people who will be constantly trying new things and experimenting with settings (especially shooting in manual) I would highly recommend it.
When I was looking to purchase a camera, I heard a lot of advice saying to get a lower model camera and then upgrade when I "grow out of it". Considering how much I get out of my 60D now, I'm very glad I went for the more advanced camera.
January 4th, 2013
Thanks to everyone for the great advice. What a fantastic community.
I'm only day 4 into the project but am loving it! Thanks again, Lorraine
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