Please Help

January 20th, 2013
I have had someone ask to use one of my images for their business, cards, advertising etc.

Now my big question is, how much should I charge?

Is there anyone in the 365 community who has sold exclusive rights to their image before?
January 20th, 2013
Oh that is so cool!!! Congrats, sorry I can't help though.

January 20th, 2013
How cool!
Which image? Exclusive rights are much more expensive than allowing the use of an image, I'll be watching to see what gets suggested. I'm guessing hundreds for exclusive rights to for one of your artworks. (Hubby is a graphic artist/illustrator and the sort of work you do doesnt come cheap) How many hours did the image take to do?
January 20th, 2013
@monika64 @ozziehoffy Thanks Cass and Monika :)

The image is a storm shot, I am totally green in this area.
January 20th, 2013
@ozziehoffy I was going to tag Brendan too :)
January 20th, 2013
@tracywilliams Are they wanting exclusive rights or just able to use the shot?
January 20th, 2013
Is it one of your composite artworks Tracy? or a single, unworked photo?
January 20th, 2013
@ozziehoffy @monika64 It is a photo monika, with basic editing. And They have enquired about both options. I don't know what to charge for either one? lol This is a first for me.
January 20th, 2013
How much do you want for the images?
January 20th, 2013
@tracywilliams I guess for exclusivity you pick a number lol. Cos as I understand it, that shot can then never be used for anything else?

Is that correct, Brendan? @agima
January 20th, 2013
@agima Hi Brendan, I don't know? It is one of my favourite images and I don't want to regret selling it too cheaply. If I sell them just the rights to use it, does that mean I have the option to make money off it later?
January 20th, 2013
My first question would be, do they REALLY need exclusive rights to it?
January 20th, 2013
@jase_h that is my question too... exclusivity costs. Once its sold exclusively, its gone... not yours. You cant use it for anything or make more money from it...ever.
I asked Hubby and he was very surprised someone would want exclusivity just for a business card
January 20th, 2013
@monika64 @jase_h They probably don't need it exclusively, however they have enquired about both so I thought I would give a price for both.
January 20th, 2013
@ozziehoffy Correct. What you are doing is giving them the image, so you might as well throw it away once you sell it.

I am with Jase do they really need an exclusive image considering that it is unlikely that you will see the image anywhere else? but then again they don't know that so you might be a good deal... ;)

Is it royalty free? Where are they using it? i.e. international adverts should pay more than some plumber that wants it on his business card.

One thing is for sure, dont sell youself cheap.... If you do get something for it...

For example if someone wants my image and I see free marketing I will tell them they can have it under the condition that they MUST put my name, web address with the image. It doesn't matter if it is in print (newspaper) or on-line..... For me if they put it online and they are a busy website then they can have it as the advertising money it saved me is worth giving away an image. :)

I have been doing this for some time so my name is all over the place.... Give it a try and Google "Brendan Maunder".... The first 10 pages or so are of my images.... This is not by accident but all part of a plan...

Now having said that, if you dont care about marketing or all that JAZZ then ask them for $50 and be done with it...

I sell royalty free photos through iStock but I don't put up the photos that like and they are non-exclusive photos.

The pay is shit but you are after volume, but if I sell a photo to a local newspaper I charge them $139 per image, with the idea that you take it or leave it. Oh they dont get exclusive rights for that... ;)

January 20th, 2013
@agima Thanks for the advice Brendan, I really appreciate it :)
January 20th, 2013
@agima Question, can you sell exclusive if the image has ever been online? As in you can't guarantee it hasn't been illegally downloaded and used elsewhere? The only time I did exclusive, it was a planned shoot, so I wasn't in that situation.

January 20th, 2013
@jase_h Yes. From where you sit if you give them exclusive and you have not sold the image before then they have the rights to that image..... Of course if someone else has stolen it then that is not your problem. ;-)
January 20th, 2013
@agima Thanks for a great explanation. I like the way you work re: advertising. I recently gave someone permission to use one of my images for their business with the condition that it must have my name on the image.
January 20th, 2013
To complicate matters, could you sell them exclusivity for a specific purpose, or in a specific market (either geographically or in terms of the business areas they are in)? That would mean you would keep the right to use it in other areas, for example to exhibit.
January 20th, 2013
That is quite common, single use licence

January 20th, 2013
If I were you, I'd offer whatever you think you might be able to get for it (go big - maybe $300-400 - and tell them that's usually what you sell your images for to make it sound more legit that you're that big of a deal) and tell them that they are welcome to make an offer on it if they don't want to spend that much. Then as much as they're willing to offer, decide if that's worth it to you, and pull the trigger.

You should also ask them if they want to buy any of my photos ;) Congrats - that's awesome for you!
January 20th, 2013
@colosimo Thanks John :)

January 20th, 2013
To license one of my rights-managed images I sell on Getty for full-page advertising, exclusive use for 5 years, with a estimated audience of 500,000 people, the right to use it worldwide, and to include use online and on social networks would cost $6,200.
January 21st, 2013
I'm a retired guy doing this for a hobby, but I recently sold exclusive rights FOR 5 YEARS for an image for $100. I didn't get rich, but had the satisfaction of seeing the image in print and on cards, and will get the rights back eventually.
January 21st, 2013
Check out this book, he goes into these things pretty well, you might find it helpful
Best Business Practices
January 21st, 2013
I would charge the going rate for sure. But what that is right now I've no idea. LOL Gotta look it up myself just in case, you know? :-)

My friends, I am NOT antisocial or non-social; on the contrary I'm quite gregarious. I say this 'cause I haven't been around here much since I signed up a short time ago. But, I definitely intend an want to get to know ALL you guys.

January 21st, 2013
@abirkill Wow Alexis, your images are amazing though so I can see why :D

@rvwalker Thanks for sharing Ross I appreciate it :)

@binny Thanks Binny, I will check that out :D

@rolando115 Hi Ron, thanks for the input and welcome to 365! :D
January 21st, 2013
@tracywilliams I've not actually licensed one for that much (yet?), but that's an indication of what a company would pay for exclusive usage from a stock photography company (anyone's photo, not just mine), so a reasonable place to start.

I'd certainly be expecting 4 figures for exclusive use of a photograph I'd taken.
January 21st, 2013
@abirkill I will keep this in mind, however I am nowhere near your level of skill so maybe I will start off with 3 figures :)
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