Ever have a nightmare about your photography?

January 26th, 2013
I woke up this morning, my heart pounding from a nightmare I was having. I was trying to run away from a tidal wave with my camera equipment and my feet were stuck in the wet sand and I couldn't run. I was trying to convince myself that when the tidal wave hit me I would be able to keep the camera over my head so it wouldn't get wet!

I have had tidal wave dreams before, I don't need Freud to figure out what they are all about, but this was truly the strangest one I have ever had.

Have you had crazy dreams/nightmares concerning your photos/camera? I would love to hear them.
January 26th, 2013
Oh yes... Only too common... I'm at whichever site taking photographs and the shot of a lifetime presents itself and I am all fingers and thumbs trying to turn the camera on, dial in the appropriate settings etc. Finally as the chances of the shot are starting to wane, if I have managed to get everything right or if I go 'full auto', I drop the camera and bust the lens. Heart stopping and sleep depriving moment coming up!
January 26th, 2013
@steampowered For some people (like me) that is all-too-real :)
January 26th, 2013
I constantly have bad dreams about seeing really rare animals in the perfect situation for a photo, and then my camera not working!! It's very frustrating!
January 26th, 2013
I can't recall a nightmare, but ever since I got my camera in July I've had frequent dreams about photography where I wake myself up laughing with joy from getting a really good shot. Seriously, this has been happening on a weekly basis.

January 26th, 2013
My nightmare goes like this: I dream that I am a fabulous photographer and then I wake up.
January 26th, 2013
Yes, the other night I dreamt I owned a Nikon, then the following night, a Canon, truly horrific :P
January 26th, 2013
LOL, I have had several where I am trying to save my equipment...it makes me laugh when I wake up!
January 26th, 2013
@meisen325 lol!
January 26th, 2013
I edit photos in my dreams. Snooze!
January 26th, 2013
@lindseying roflmao!
January 26th, 2013
i dreamt that the magic monkeys from the POPPAGE tried to strangled and beaten me up so freakin' hard--- till i give 'em some BANANAS :)!!
January 26th, 2013
My nightmare came true yesterday morning.... I took a few photos of my aussie day decos and turned my three week old camera off.. Turned it back on and it wouldnt take any photos.. I had an err20.. I jumped on google nd the error is a machanical error!! I ran my local shop and they said to bring it in... They replaced my camera no questions asked.. Thank goodness.. I must say i was in a daze all day.. Lol.. Xx
January 27th, 2013
Yp, I have chased bugs in my dreams very often! :) I am haunted by butterflies and dragonflies.
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