Do you print out your photos and put them around the house?

February 2nd, 2013
I recently got a few of my favorite photos printed out (photos I have taken) and bought some frames. I put some in the living room and the some in my office (five total). I've never done it before but I was really happy with some shots and my husband was too :) And I get kind of happy to see them framed and displayed!

What about you? Am I crazy to do this? Or do I have company?

February 2nd, 2013
I put a few of some water lilies that I had taken a few years back in one of my bathrooms and then of course, pics of the kids. I'd like to print and frame some of my better shots this year that might fit the decor and color scheme of the house. I don't think it's crazy at all!
February 2nd, 2013
For some reason, I have a hard time framing and displaying. At the end of last year, I challenged myself to shoot, edit, print, frame and hang in one week. I shot, edited, but printing took way longer than I thought, framed and it still sits on the table in my living room waiting to go on the wall.
It's been more than a month now. Bad Jenn.
February 2nd, 2013
I made a book of all my pictures and plan on making my yearly calendar . This year I have so many to chose from. I usually print my favorite on canvas , will probably do a few from last year.
February 2nd, 2013
@shutterbugger Which one...I'm curious now!!

I have framed and hung only one of mine, but I love it! I really would like to do more. Enjoy yours, Leslie!!!
February 2nd, 2013
This past year I started to think that I wanted my home to look more like a home of a photographer (even though I'm an amateur). So far I've got a few prints and one canvas made out of my own shots and in addition I have some prints from my photographer friends on what I call my Photo Wall. :) I want many more on that wall this year! (And perhaps on other walls, too. In my own home and perhaps other people's as well.)
February 2nd, 2013
@gerbilwrangler You are not crazy at all and you have a lot of company. Many of my friends in my local photography club print enlargements of their favorites, frame them and hang them in their homes. I have 14 of my prints framed and hanging in my home.
February 2nd, 2013
I have quite a few from film days and now from digital days hanging around the house. In addition, the photo meetup group I belong to does a monthly photo swap. If you bring a picture, you get a picture from someone else in a blind swap. I don't do it every month, but it's fun once-in-a-while to swap and get someone else's pic to hang up.
February 2nd, 2013
this one. Turned out awesome but there it sits on the table...unloved. My excuse is that I need 2 more to hang, to make a group over the tv....but now I've got to shoot something that looks good with it
February 2nd, 2013
@shutterbugger I think this one would go quite's b&w too.

I hope you get it hung soon...that one definitely deserves a place of honor. It was perfection!!
February 2nd, 2013
I came across a great idea online. A wooden frame, covered with black canvas, then with velcro on it. Each photo also has velcro on, then you can change them round as you like. Obviously size of frame is dependent on how big and how many photos you want. My boyfriends' Dad is currently making me one - will put up a photo when it is complete!
February 2nd, 2013
I have this one in my hallway, but am working on a photowall - as soon as I can convince my husband to decorate :P

February 2nd, 2013
Also, I have to say, framing pictures is a nightmare, getting the shots and colours to look right! - I'm so jealous of people who have amazing photo walls.
February 2nd, 2013
omg LOL!!! Can you imagine?! @tryeveryday
February 2nd, 2013
This last week I took a photo that I thought would be cool but turned out disappointing. But then I played with it post processing making it look almost like a painting and I loved it. So I have ordered it on canvas - a first for me other than pictures I have taken of my family. I ordered it as much just to see if it translates well to canvas as to hang it. I sure hope it comes out looking like I think it should. I actually think we should hang our photo images but I never do it.
February 2nd, 2013
I do! I also scrapbook a lot of them lately. I'm going to start scrapbooking things that aren't a person, but more a place/thing/item.
February 2nd, 2013
I love printing and framing my photos - I have a lot of them on my walls and hope to get more done. Photos looks awesome in print.
February 2nd, 2013
I have a calendar of my photos in the kitchen... But that's it for home... I have a few printed and just kinda tacked to my wall at work... But I'm not really comfortable with that (other than my kids) and am thinking I will take them down...
February 2nd, 2013
I had a coupon for 33% off some prints so I racked up with about 80 4X6's. Changed out a ton of frames. My refrigerator is almost full of pics. Only a couple from the project though. Most from holidays/family visits
February 2nd, 2013
I usually print off some pics at home of the bird shots that I like the best and I put them in an album. That way I can also show them to one my friends as we both have an interest in birds
February 2nd, 2013

these are not photos but my own sketches---displayed in my LR..:)
February 2nd, 2013

here's another one,again not photo but my artwork..:)
February 2nd, 2013
Love your sketches Joey - so jealous - I can only do stick figures! ;) @jodimuli

Finally I will be framing some of my pics. We were always under some type of renovation at my old house so couldn't really hang anything. Now that I moved to a new house, can finally start framing.

During Christmas I sold quite a few prints - so other people have my prints on their walls. Time to get my own house in order!
February 3rd, 2013
Not something I have done or thought about before, until I read this thread yesterday, I thought to myself why have I never done that, so today I got a couple of images printed and have framed them in the last hour, I'm really quite pleased with the result.
February 3rd, 2013
@soboy5 I can see that! I am amazed with the responses - but pleased :)

@shutterbugger - That photo is absolutely gorgeous!

@cally - How neat! My husband has a workshop and I may need to give him this project :D

@amyamoeba What a beautiful shot!

@jodimuli - Your sketches are great - I can see why you wanted them up and framed :)

@serpantmedia Oh, yay! I'm really glad that you were inspired and are happy with the end result :D
February 3rd, 2013
@gerbilwrangler I will upload a photo when it is done for you to see. I'm really excited, but I have no idea what photos to use.... Gonna be hard picking them out!
February 3rd, 2013
I've had 3 turned in canvases, this is my favourite
They evoke wonderful memories of our holidays
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