Wet Plate photography anyone????

February 18th, 2013
I now have the camera, liquid light, So Im asking if anyone has done this before and would like to share any tips. It looks amazing.
February 18th, 2013
That wine looks tasty.
February 18th, 2013
http://vimeo.com/39578584 http://vimeo.com/55837466

Google Ian Ruhter
Try not to get any horrible cancers, I think Collodian is a tad more harmful than the usual stuff.
February 18th, 2013
Wow, very interesting! So much more effort than simply developing roll film.
February 18th, 2013
Oh wow, something I'd love to try, the effect is quite spectacular but will have to wait. What kind of camera do you have April?
February 18th, 2013
@thethree @chewyteeth @grizzlysghost @ingrid2101 Here is the camera. Aaron I go off on so many rabbit trails. I see and I have to do it. It drives my family nuts. Dave, Im already sick so I might as well have fun.=P And yes I think the wine is a must.
February 18th, 2013
wow that was great video, box camera its brill thnks
February 18th, 2013
Fantastic, you sound a bit like me if you "have to do it" very nice camera too!
February 18th, 2013
February 18th, 2013
we have two studios here that teach wet plate process and I am hoping to take alternative film processes this summer.
February 18th, 2013
Well I hope you soon feel well, just wear a mask and gloves when you are pouring that shit, what did you think of those vimeo videos?
February 18th, 2013
@chewyteeth Thank you!!! I had seen the first one. Which is soooo AMAZING! Then about a month ago I got the camera that got the spark going again. Which was cool because it came with the glass.The second video gives so much info. I will be researching alittle more before I jump in. And yes Im looking into the safty part too=). I will never give up my DSLR but film and stuff like this makes my heart sing. Sorry to through that sick thing at ya. I have Lupus and POTS. Which is a real kick in the butt. So either I sit and say some day...or do it now!!!
February 19th, 2013
Those vids make my eyes sweat a little bit, the music and the mission and the scale. It makes me happy that digital will never overtake film, not even in the future. For digital images to become better than view camera large format negs the sensors would cost hundreds of thousands of dollars and be far too expensive to build. Therefore photography peaked in the mid nineteenth century - in terms of image quality - and the only modifications we've made have been making it easier to use, and cheaper to use. I only shoot on 35mm but the science of it and developing my own film makes it just as magical even if the images are not as good as from processes like wetplate. you gotta get models, wetplate in my opinion excels with people shots.
February 19th, 2013
I'm so dying to do wet plate. There's a workshop of it at my school Spring quarter. Let me know if you want more info. I'm pretty sure I'm going to take it. The instructor is a master.
February 19th, 2013
@aprilmilani this page and workshop, book, and video in Denver looks interesting. http://studioq.com/
They also hold regular workshops at Yosemite and in Albany at Camp Tintype(?). I am hoping to do a workshop later this year. It is possible to get 4x5 wet plate holders from Chamonix, which is useful if you are using a large format camera. I read somewhere that it is argued that you are not a real photographer until you have few wet plate liquid stains on your camera!
Cf http://www.yosemitepark.com/wet-plate-collodion-photography-workshop.aspx
@chewyteeth @phillyphotos
February 19th, 2013
Collodion is the ultimate as far as I'm concerned, it's extremely unlikely that I'll ever get to try it however. :-(
February 20th, 2013
@mabelkitty Im in Lacey, Wa. How far are we from each other. I promise I wont stalk you=)
February 20th, 2013
@peterdegraaff You always have such helpful info. Thank you. Keep me posted if you do try it out.
February 20th, 2013
@aprilmilani Seattle. Actually, I live up north, work in Bellevue, school is right on First Hill in Seattle, right on the Seattle University campus.
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