Under Water - Cameras??

February 19th, 2013
Hello fellow photographers.

I have a big, fat idea and it requires shooting under water. Have any of you shot underwater?? I don't have an under water camera and anticipate needing to rent. Do you have suggestions on camera rentals? Ideally it not be a point-and-shoot as I would like to have control of the settings.


x Betsie
February 19th, 2013
chose the insurance option...
February 19th, 2013
@chewyteeth Thanks Dave!
February 19th, 2013
1-Gallon Ziplock; waterproof and it creates awesome blurry artsy effects! Super-duper cheap too!
February 19th, 2013
@grizzlysghost My darling, I'm not willing to take that risk with my camera. If it were a PAS, perhaps but I would DIE if something happened to my real camera.
February 19th, 2013
I have an Aquapac... http://www.amazon.co.uk/s/ref=nb_sb_noss_1?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=aquapac+dslr&rh=i%3Aaps%2Ck%3Aaquapac+dslr
Which I have used several times whilst swimming etc and have found it surprisingly reliable (assuming you take the proper precautions between each use!)
It limits use a little but only where zooming and using a flash is concerned - as there is no way an external flash can fit inside! All the in camera setting are perfectly usable :)
February 19th, 2013
@skatied Thank you my dear!!
February 19th, 2013
@eyesofbetsie don't use the aquapack its useless great advertising but shitty results ie dead camera :-(
February 19th, 2013
Ya, and scratch the ziplock idea; I just tried it. Images are pretty ghosty shooting through a plastic bag and autofocus is spotty.

I erred on the side of caution and mounted a cheap 50mm on the 5DMKII before submerging it ;-)

February 19th, 2013
Well fujifilm do a sweet range of pas cams, if you've been put off. Water, shock, snow proof.
February 20th, 2013
@markjohnstone @grizzlysghost @chewyteeth

Well SHIT! I was really considering the Aquapac (as it is affordable.). I don't really want a pas simply because of the task at hand... Hummm. crap.
February 20th, 2013
@skatied Katie, as you mentioned you have an aquapac... I've watched the videos and nearly died at the trust you have to have in the product. Since you have one and clearly have used it, what do you really think about the product?
February 20th, 2013
Thank you Katie. I have been wanting to do storm pics.
February 20th, 2013
i've looked at an u/w housing for my D3100 and i'm now waiting to win the lottery to be able to afford this: http://www.ikelite.com/web_two/nik_d3100.html
it's the best option but of course a lot more expensive. i know someone who purchased the aquapac. big mistake, and he used it only in a swimming pool.
February 20th, 2013
@summerfield You sealed the deal... No way! Not worth the risk. It freaks me out to think of what a nightmare it would be... Seriously, it would break my heart if something happened to my camera. Gonna' check out you link. Thanks for the feedback. x Betsie
February 20th, 2013
@grizzlysghost You are cray cray!
February 20th, 2013
@summerfield Um... I WANT ONE OF THOSE! (Someday, when I grow up.).
February 20th, 2013
I wouldn't. I'd be too scared with any camera.
February 20th, 2013
It takes a while to get used to handling the camera once it is inside and I always do thorough checks in the bath before every use... You'd be a fool to chuck your camera in the water without testing its watertight-ness first! You have to hold the end right up to the lens to avoid ghosty edges but once you remember to do it, it's not really a problem.

If you want a precise image then it will take a few tries as every so often, even with the utmost attention the surround will get in the way of the image but more often than not it works fine.

I am a lot more careful when using the Aquapac than I am when I am just using my camera, so as not to put any unnecessary strain on the seams. There is always apprehension when trying to use a product like this and I can understand why people wouldn't even try but I have found with the right level of caution it is a handy thing to own! :)
February 20th, 2013
@skatied Thank you sister! If I had a cheap DSLR I wouldn't be so freaked out. Mind you, mine didn't cost thousands but it was expensive to me. It'd be a different story if money wasn't such an issue.

I really appreciate your feedback!
February 21st, 2013
@eyesofbetsie I also have the D3100 :)
February 21st, 2013
@grizzlysghost ha....sorry....but this photo totallly cracked me up. I have tried this myself before - - you pretty much HAVE to - living in Seattle.
February 22nd, 2013
Get yourself a Nikonos 35mm film camera such as this one http://www.ebay.com/itm/Nikon-Nikonos-II-35mm-Underwater-Film-Camera-/121068882905?pt=Film_Cameras&hash=item1c30448bd9. They're almost free.
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