Looking for photos

March 13th, 2013

For a new professional project, I am looking for photos wich could illustrate the following themes...
- elderly on internet
- teens on internet
- kids on computer
- children and grand-parents "on line" (e-children and e-grand-parents)

If you have some photos to help me... I would be so grateful! :)

If one of your photos can be used for my project, I will contact you by e-mail to inform you about my project and to ask you to authorize me to use it.

Have a nice day!

March 13th, 2013
You'll make money from your professional project? Whats in it for the photographer?
March 13th, 2013
I am looking for photos to illustrate a website and a flyer of my new professional job.
The job: to teach children and elderly person to use the internet properly and effectively.
No link with photographer and I don't want to make money with the photos.
I wanted first make my own photos, but I have no more time... :/
March 13th, 2013
My inbox often offers photos of teens on the Internet but I have never taken up the offer and I don't think you want me to forward those URLs.

Last elderly person I tried to teach the internet to had used a manual typewriter all her working life. Whilst this had a tendency to shorten the life of modern keyboards the more difficult habit to break was her tendency to move the mouse pointer to where she wanted, let go the mouse entirely then stab at the click button from a height of about two inches. Whilst this was moderately effective for a single click on a double click the mouse had a tendency to skid rapidly across the table on the first assault followed by an elderly finger trying to stab the poor thing again. This was almost universally ineffective as a double click but despite the frustration wonderfully soothing for my sense of humour.
March 13th, 2013
Hello Sophie
je n'ai que celle-ci et Alix serait ravie de te rendre service ;)
March 13th, 2013
@davidgnc Your reply cracked me up! Thanks for making me laugh. As I too have tried to teach an elderly person to use a computer, I know where you are coming from ;)
March 14th, 2013
@davidgnc : Thank you David. You made my day with your words!!! I see what you mean :)

@cocobella : Ah j'aime beaucoup, Corinne ! Merci ! Je regarde ce que je peux en faire et te tiens au courant. Tu me diras ensuite comment tu souhaites que je te "copyrighte" : cocobella ou autre ? :)
March 14th, 2013
@svt "Corinne Genieys-Albrich", je commence seulement à apposer mon illustre patronyme sur mes oeuvres ;) !! Avant je trouvais ça prétentieux...jusqu'à ce que je m'aperçoive qu'une de mes photos circulait sur facebook...sans même un merci...ça m'a agacé....
March 14th, 2013
@cocobella : Non ?!... C'est vrai ?!... pfffffffffffffff... Lamentable ! je n'aimerais pas non plus... C'est noté pour ton nom, pas de souci. Merci encore :)
March 14th, 2013
@svt merci ;)
March 14th, 2013
got 2 that could be useful, one with my son on the ipad, and the other with my daughter and dad (grandparent/granddaughter) looking at the laptop together...

March 14th, 2013
@jaynspain : Thank you Jayn! Love the first one with your daughter and dad! Well, I am going to work with it too, and if I keep it, I will be back with you to give you more explanation and to ask you how you want me to "copyright" you : with "jayn" or other name? Thank you so much :)
March 14th, 2013
@jaynspain : I realise suddenly that the second one could be interesting too... ;) Let me a moment to think about it... :)
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