Diagnosing corrupt RAW / CR2 files?

March 19th, 2013
I've been shooting in RAW ever since I got my Canon T4i in January, and a small percentage of my shots have regularly been arriving on my computer corrupted, with rectangular patches of colored lines.

There are so many tech-savvy people in this community that I thought I'd ask here... is it possible to diagnose what's causing the problem by looking at the RAW file itself?

This is what the corruption looks like... it varies in terms of the size of the band of lines. And I've provided public links below to some samples in my dropbox folder if anyone's willing to look.

A tiny band of corruption in the lower righthand corner:

75% of the photo unviewable:

I use an Eye-Fi Pro X2 16GB+Wi-Fi card (sometimes importing over Wi-Fi, sometimes directly through my MacBook Air's SD slot). I use LightRoom 4, and import my CR2 files into the program using the Ottomanic Importer plugin.

March 19th, 2013
Can't help. I think the salmon passed its expiration date with beautiful result though.
March 19th, 2013
Have you tried reformatting the memory card?
March 19th, 2013
@mastermek Heh heh.
@mikehamm I haven't, but will. Unless someone can say for sure that the card needs to go altogether.
March 19th, 2013
@squamloon I'm not entirely convinced it's the card, but reformatting it would be a good first step. Have you tried different cards as well or is this the only card you're using?
March 19th, 2013
Having seen similar things in the past, I suspect the card first. I would suggest that a new card is the first thing you try (it's the cheapest option!) If it isn't the card then at least you will have a bit of backup media!
March 19th, 2013
The two RAW files posted have un-corrupted JPG images embedded in them, which means that the data came of the camera sensor correctly, was converted to a JPG correctly, and embedded into the file correctly. This suggests that it is the transfer of the file onto the card that is at fault. I would ditch the card (or return it if it has a guaranty) and buy a new one.
March 19th, 2013
I haven't tried a new card yet, but I happen to have a brand new (non Eye-Fi) one I bought as a backup, so I'll give it a go. I just really like the Eye-Fi. Hopefully if it's that card, they'll stand behind it and give me a replacement.
March 19th, 2013
Have you tried copying the files from the card again? I have had something similar happen and the files on the card were fine but a couple on computer after the copy were not.
March 21st, 2013
The plot thickens. Today's deer pic was going to prove my fears—it was the keeper of six shots, but the one that decided to be corrupt. I usually erase the card as I move my files over, but haven't been lately as I've tried to track this problem down. I recopied the image perthat Arthur's suggestion, and it was just fine. Both times the transfer was through the computer's SD slot.

I haven't reformatted the card yet, but will now. The problem so far has been limited to that card, but i haven't tried the other extensively yet. A good scientist would have done that by now I know, but life calls... anyway I just wanted to thank you for your comments and suggestions as I stumble toward solving this.

Oh—Tom, for some reason I hadn't seen your comment till now. What you say makes sense.

@steampowered @mikehamm @kannafoot @harveyzone @arthurk
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