Awareness photos against TOS?

April 2nd, 2013
Hey all :) I had an idea for a photo for today, but I wanted to make sure that I wasn't breaking any rules in regards to advertisement / promotion.

It's not a financial thing, rather I thought I would do a photo for a friend, sort of. It's the birthday of my friend's daughter today, she suffers from a very rare disease that is not well known at all. I wanted to include something in my photo for the day, which would help people become a bit more aware of it but I didn't want to seem like I was using the site for that purpose, or worse... break some kind of rules.

It would just have a URL (on the thing in the photo) but not begging for money or anything like that.

If someone could let me know that would be great! Just wanted to clear it up so I'd know whether to go forward with the idea or not.

Thanks! :)
April 2nd, 2013
Well I used this site to shamelessly raise awareness for down syndrome awareness day and the kindness of everyone not only got it onto the PP but also on the TT so i'm sure no one will mind. Raising awareness is an important thing to do!
April 2nd, 2013
If you are really, really concerned then contact Ross and see what he says.
April 2nd, 2013
@gwhit123 Ah ok... I just wasn't sure since the photo would have a URL in it which directs to the website for the charity. Sometimes as a friends of people dealing with things like this, you feel a little helpless. A donation here and there is nice but if I could use the views I get on the different sites I share my photos on to help them raise a little awareness, I think that would be a nice way to pitch in, ya know? I just feel for them so much with all they are going through and am constantly amazed by the things they do to raise awareness and raise money for research (walking for days on end, etc) that one photo is the least I can do.

Just didn't want to break any rules, and figured it was better to be safe than sorry!
April 2nd, 2013
@steampowered I was going to tag him in here but I forget his @ name hehe I read the TOS but I wasn't sure where the awareness type stuff falls in regards to advertisement / promotion. I didn't think it'd be a prob but I wasn't sure.
April 2nd, 2013
@breigh I have included URLs for red nose day, a charity here in the UK, and I think i included the URL for the down syndrome association, and if i didn't, I would not have any qualms about doing so
April 2nd, 2013
@gwhit123 Ok great, that's all I needed to know. If you didn't get a slap on the wrist I should be good to go! :)
April 2nd, 2013
I dont think there would be a problem. Several of us posted Autism Awareness shots last year, it was ok.
I've just posted my autism awareness day shot for today - it could do with a little support ;-) @gwhit123
April 2nd, 2013
Oh, hrmm mine isn't for autism, hope it's not weird to post something else on Autism awareness day, but this thing is so rare and unknown that it doesn't even HAVE a day, so... I don't think it will interfere with anything! :)
April 2nd, 2013
Here's the photo I was talking about, came out just the way I wanted it to! Thanks for the help everyone !:)

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