ETSOOI challenge reminder

April 7th, 2013
I'm delighted to see so many entries into my ETSOOI challenge but there's still a few days until I shall choose five for you all to vote on. Remember that this time the theme is weather...interpretations of course are very subjective...and you must tag with etsooi-7 for your entry to qualify.

The link to the original discussion is here

Please join in and have some fun :o)
April 7th, 2013
oops! didn't realize the theme was weather! I've untagged those that didn't fit :)
April 7th, 2013
@ridley Not a problem Michelle. as I said it can be interpreted subjectively. Please feel free to retag if you can make them fit or join in with some other shots :o)
April 8th, 2013
I did the same thing.... Yikes....
April 8th, 2013
Well, mine today some people may not think of as "weather" and I can see that. I mean, if other pics people look at them and see "weather" then they are more appropriate. But I just felt that having snow weather and then two weeks later pollen/spring weather, and then melding them into my Pollen Weather shot was close. It may not really be "weather" but I still tagged it as such.... :0) To me, the bugs and the pollen are "weather!' Spring weather. Haha But again, if others don't think so, I can see that.
April 8th, 2013
Bum.. the theme is weather? I etsooid my eye just to join in! That will teach me to read it properly next time! Back to the drawing board... :)
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