street photography - the other side of the lens

April 27th, 2013
I ran a 5k this morning with the dog. According to the people at the finish line, we were the first human-dog team to cross the finish line. I know we passed a couple of dogs and no dogs passed us but I didn't know we were winning - woohoo.

Anyway, afterward, in the post-race hanging out drinking beer and eating pizza (yup at 8:30 in the morning) a photographer walked up and asked if she could take a picture of the dog. Then she wanted me in it. Before I know it I'm sitting on the ground with him beside me posing for a picture and then spelling both of our names for her. I have no idea who she was. I figure maybe she's with the race sponsors and we're going to be on the website but I don't really know. I didn't think to ask.

Just for context, this was last week but at least this one was pre-race so picture this but with a red face and covered with sweat and sitting on the ground.

Realizing that generally people either ignore people with camera or automatically do what they're told to do by them makes me feel a little less self conscious about walking around the city shooting random pictures.
April 27th, 2013
Congrats on finishing and being "top Dog"!!
April 27th, 2013
Congratulation to you and you four legged friend to come in first. a nice picture of you and your dog.
April 27th, 2013
There is a guy who runs these things with a pit-bull. He's pretty fast granted but all we Aussie owners give him the right of way - self preservation and all. ;-)
April 28th, 2013
I'd rather run the race than be photographed. You look great here though and your dog is beautiful. If you get a copy or a link to the photo they took post it here. Well done for winning your race. :-)
April 29th, 2013
Power to you! ;-)

Since I started doing street photography I've become more conscious of how I react to photographers, myself. I keep wondering what blog I might end up on... ;-p But, yeah, it's kind of give and take, isn't it?
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