Desperate Need Help With Photo's!

May 23rd, 2013
If you have read my previous post on how to get pictures unstuck that got water damage you'll understand where I'm coming from with this problem. I have spent hours getting 100's of pictures unstuck by soaking them in distilled water as suggested. They did work! I shook them dry and lightly dried most of them with a cool hair dryer on low, as suggested. They looked pretty good, but now that I'm looking at them hours later and they are totally dry some of them have a haze on them.

I am looking for suggestions on how to get this off, if possible? My twin grandson's graduation party is this Friday and I need to get this project checked out by later today to be sure the slide show is going to work right.

I do have a product called Pec-12 an Archival Photographic Emulsion cleaner, not sure if that would do any good or not? Any suggesting's are sure appreciated as I am running out of time. I still have at least a 100 more to scan and then edit some of them, so I'm getting desperate for some help.

Thanks, Granny7
May 23rd, 2013
Ring you local museums they might know.
May 23rd, 2013
If it is an all-over light haze it might be worth slightly increasing the shadow or mid-tone density with the "burn" tool if your photo-editing package has one. That usually works.
May 23rd, 2013
@agima Thanks, Brendan. I'll also do a google search, forgot about that.
@wordpixman Arthur, yes I do have a shadow feature in iPhoto. I'll see if that helps. The ones that I'm having the most trouble with are the one's that a professional artist took to do a picture of the kids for me and I'm wondering if she used her own lab?
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