Color Project, please help.

March 14th, 2014
Hello 365 ers,

I have a friend that is a color consultant and needs help with a project she is working on. She is going to create an online book of color, she is looking to collect pictures from all us states, something that is a good representation of your state. She will display the picture and attach a color pallet. It's very fun way to display the colors in the picture.

She is not looking to pay for the images but will give photo creed as well as allow a water mark. This book will be on her web site as well as Facebook, I will be participating and she still needs pictures from Alaska, Arkansas, Connecticut, California, and Delaware.

If this sounds like something you would like to help with please contact her at she also has a Facebook page under Leslie Kelley COLOR check it out.

Tamber aka Mrs.Van Patten

I forgot to add if you go to her fb page there will be an example of the color pallets she is putting together. Lets help out a soon to be empty nester looking to renew herself.
March 14th, 2014
Why do people feel that photography is not worth anything? I find it odd when people ask to use images to help make them money but don't want to compensate the photographer for the work. Does your friend give her services away for free?

Just my random ramblings for the day
March 14th, 2014
@soren agreed,Jake. I would give my images to anyone ,for any reason at all except for them to make money.That just doesn't seem fair.@mrsvanpatten that being said , the book sounds really interesting.Will this be part of a money making venture for her? If not,I'm in. Good luck to your friend.
March 14th, 2014
Word. @soren
March 14th, 2014
I'm sure if she could pay for the images she would, she is just starting out and will use the pictures to deminstrate color palates.
She is not selling the book, it's a recourse for her and clients.
WOW didn't mean to stir a honest nest was just asking if anyone wanted to help a girl out.
If your not interested your feedback is not necessary. I'm a very positive person and would never reply to a plea for help with that attitude. I asked on 365 because most people are very kind, fair, and professional.
I believe in, what goes around comes around, when a friend asks for assistance I help if I can. @soren she does value photography that's why she is using photographs. I'm sure she has done a few complimentary services in an effort to get her business started.
Again if interested please contact her at the email I included.
March 14th, 2014
Haha, this isn't even CLOSE to a hornet's nest! Try discussing Nikon vs Canon, or Photoshop/No Photoshop. Just a couple people airing their opinions, no harm done. Nobody's been rude at all. And please, my feedback's always necessary! ;)
March 14th, 2014
@mrsvanpatten Just making a point, there is no need to be rude.
March 15th, 2014
@soren Wasn't being rude, just trying to get back to the topic at hand. Sorry if I came across rude wasn't my intention.
March 15th, 2014
@mrsvanpatten I didn't see my state mentioned, but will be more than happy to help her on my photos of Florida.
March 15th, 2014
@cimes1 Thank you for your response, please send Leslie an email she might need one from your lovely state of Fla. Thank you, thank you, and thank you.
March 15th, 2014
@mrsvanpatten I found her on FB, so I'll contact her there.
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