Help! Screwed up my settings!

June 7th, 2014
I have a canon70D and I must've mucked up my settings somehow because on AV it is overexposing badly... Seems to be fine on M, P and on shutter priority... Any idea what I've done? I did cycle thru all the metering options, but none seemed to make a difference...

June 7th, 2014
Not sure but can you reset all to factory settings
June 7th, 2014
Have you changed the exposure compensation? Try checking it is at 0. I'm constantly messing with my settings and then forgetting to go back to my basic preferences.
June 7th, 2014
@soseema oh duuuuuuuuuh! Tx!
June 7th, 2014
It is a canon. Have you considered black powder, a fuse, and a match? Only trying to make you laugh. But if you do choose to use those three things, shoot video and upload it.
June 7th, 2014
@chapjohn bahaaaaaaa! I'd love to say "challenge accepted" but pyrotechnics of that nature are not easily available here ;p
June 7th, 2014
@chapjohn lol now now john!!! Be nice!!
*waves much loved canon in the air*
June 7th, 2014
@northy Funny, mine did something similar the other day though I don't intentionally know how to change the exposure compensation. A friend set hers back to factory settings but I am sure that it can be resolved less drastically than that - can't it! I do set mine on big ISO number for flying birds and forget to set it back to 100 or 200, or eve take a few pictures on one off opportunities on holiday, then find later that they were in monochrome which is not often the best! I have to remember to set things back to a norm1
June 7th, 2014
Ha ha! Best to make a cheat sheet of things to check at the start of every session and get into the habit of not skipping the check. I am a great one to give advice, I remember less than 70% of the time. :( ISO (auto ISO with sensitivity settings), Metering Mode, AF mode and "AF Area Mode (or the Canon equivalent) Exposure Compensation (like here? :)) and perhaps others of your pet settings that you change often. One of my pet ones is shutter release on Focus Lock or Shutter Press (even if focus hasn't been grabbed). And check your lens for Auto Focus or Manual, and the one that gets me is the Auto Focus "Limiting" Switch, 0 to infinity or just infinity to 3 meters (or whatever the lens might support). If you get into that habit, it will only take 30 seconds or less and you'll be good to go.

I see you recently got a 70D. A great choice, a great camera...
June 8th, 2014
I learned to quickly reset everything after loaning my camera to my adult nephew. He changes every setting, everytime he uses it.
June 8th, 2014
ha!! Yes...with the touch screen, it's easy to inadvertently change settings!! That might have been what happened!!! Hope all is back to normal now!!! It took me a while to get used to this camera, but I absolutely love it, even if @chapjohn wants to burn said camera to bits! ;) LOL
June 8th, 2014
My biggest gaffs seem to be leaving on an exposure compensation, or the delayed shutter, after using them for a specific shot. It's really frustrating to see a great shot, grab a quick focus, and then have to wait while the camera counts down the 2 or 10 second delay you previously programmed in, while your shot evaporates before your eyes.
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