Hope you can help

November 6th, 2014
I have a Lumix FZ100 as a second camera. When I take a picture, sometimes the sky, or any other bright part of the picture flashes, is sort of goes negative-positive, not the whole picture, just bright bits. It is fine when I put the photo on my computer. It only does this on-camera. Can anyone shed any light on what might be happening? Is my camera on the way out?
November 6th, 2014
Your camera should be fine.
It sounds as if you have a Highlight Warning facility enabled. Are the bits that flashed on your viewing screen pure white in the photo when you view it on the computer?

Highlight Warning (commonly known as Blinkies because of the flashing) is designed to show areas in your scene that were so bright your camera was unable to record any data. Those areas will show as pure white in the photo itself.

You'll need to check your camera's manual if you want to disable Highlight Warning but it is a very useful way of letting you know if you have any of those areas in your photo because there's not a lot you can do about them when you process your photos.

Hope that makes sense and helps :-)
November 6th, 2014
Yes Alison is right. I have my Nikon set with this as one of the review screens and its showing you the blown highlights.
November 6th, 2014
Yes, it is showing you the overexposed/blown highlights, just like Alison @dulciknit said. You can almost certainly turn that off if you find it annoying. Somewhere in a Review menu, I don't know exactly where in the Lumix scheme of things. But it is a useful feature when shooting since if there is a lot of this you might want to save some of the highlights by dialing in some negative exposure compensation. Again as Alison said.
November 7th, 2014
Hi Sue, it was even a bit trick to find in the manual
http://service.us.panasonic.com/OPERMANPDF/DMCFZ100-ADV.PDF page 34

When the Auto Review function is activated or when playing back,
white saturated areas appear blinking in black and white. [OFF]/[ON]

If [HIGHLIGHT] is set to [ON] in this case, the area
directly illuminated by the photo flash will become white saturated and appear blinking in black and white.
• Highlighting does not work during Multi-Playback (P61), Calendar Search (P165), Playback Zoom (P62), or Motion Picture Playback (P157).
November 7th, 2014
@dulciknit @andysg @frankhymus @ltodd Oh wow thank you all so much, It makes perfect sense now. Lynn, I spent ages yesterday going through the manual (which I had to download the advanced one first) and couldn't find anything. I will go through the settings on the camera again and see if I can find it, but now that I know what it is, I won't worry about it. Thanks heaps again :-))
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