Farne Islands Photo Trip

November 13th, 2015
I booked a photo trip to the Farne Islands (UK) but unfortunately the travel agency canceled the trip because there were not enough bookings.

I still want to visit the Farne Islands however and was wondering if anyone here could recommend a local agency who offers trips to the islands and / or offers specific photo tours. If I remember correctly @shepherdmanswife and @markyl visited the islands this year, do you have any tips?

Also if anyone would like to join me on a trip like this please get in touch, would be great to be with more photographers and learn from each other. I would like to visit the islands in the period between 16 and 30 May 2016 for 3 to 5 days.

Leon Buijs @leonbuys83
The Netherlands
November 13th, 2015
Sorry to state the obvious but I just googled Farne Island trips and the result was loads of trips from the nearest beach/harbour Seahouse. May be interested let me know . From what I understand you won't need a massive lend the wildlife is that close. Hope this helps.
November 14th, 2015
thank you for your reply @padlock yes of course I can google it, I did, but I would like the opinion of people who actually went on trips and can recommend companies.
November 14th, 2015
@leonbuys83 I would love to go there and see the puffins but I'm not sure that I could get away twice in one month as I shall be away for a week at the beginning of May
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