Losing inspiration!

December 30th, 2010
Hey, I have only been doing project365 for about 3 weeks but I'm already losing inspiration and I don't really know what to take photos of. I don't really get much chance to go many places due to my parents work but I really need some ideas on what to take photos of. Any suggestions will be appreciated! :)
December 30th, 2010
I felt like that a lot in the beginning and even now, every so often when life gets in the way. Look around you, perhaps, and try to find a new/different/interesting way to shoot something familiar. Post-processing can also do a lot for the final product.
December 30th, 2010
Need inspiration or direction? Check out The Daily Shoot. They post daily assignments on twitter. If you do these you can upload the link to your picture from this site. It's very convienent.

December 30th, 2010
Oh, trust me, you'll go through many patches like this over the course of a year. I'm on day 364 and I'm still having one, although I think I'm sorted for tomorrow now...

I solved mine for today by driving around my city, looking for an interesting locale. Pull up, get out, camera in hand, stand still, gaze about for interesting angles. Try taking a few shots. Move a few steps, stand still, gaze about... you get the picture. And if all goes to plan, you get the picture. Boom!

Also as dear Unfie @indiannie_jones says, getting into the technical aspects such as post processing can provide extra avenues for exploration.
December 30th, 2010
@indiannie_jones @dmortega @eyebrows Thanks for the advice everyone. Hopefully that will sort me out for quite some time now :)

@eyebrows haha hope you manage to find something for your day 364 :L
December 30th, 2010
Losing insiration is very normal - it happens to all of us! Try browsing around the site: look at the top 20 charts, the photos on the popular page, or somebody's faves. This might put you in a photo-hunting mood :-) Go outside - I take a lot of photos in my back yard, there's always something different and interesting if you look for it! As long as you have good lighting, even the common object becomes special! Photo editing is also a lot of fun, as Annie and Steve said. I love picnik.com - it can transform a boring photo into a wonderful shot! ;-)
December 30th, 2010
i am 65 photos in and have days like that every now and again. I have found myself looking at things differerently - using the themes to be creative. I used to worry slightly that my photo wouldn't be "good enough" for the rest of the 365 community - then have to remind myself this is about getting better with my own skills. think of the things you'd like to be able to shoot...recently i wanted to try depth of field and night time movement. doesn't really matter what the subject matter is - i'm starting to believe that you can make ANYTHING look exciting if you try hard enough! it doesn't always work, but you'll learn from trying stuff out. good luck.
December 30th, 2010
@slava Thank you for the advice I will take your suggestions on board! :) @sparkle Thank you Juilette! Wonderful advice, I feel that way about my photos too sometimes but you are definitely right about the fact that it is for your own benefit and not other peoples :) xx
December 30th, 2010
I'm in my last 2 photos on the 365, and let me tell you, it's super easy to lose inspiration. Don't let it discourage you! Just take your camera out and start shooting whatever :) Go outside, look up a new technique and give it a go...if you have a pet shoot photos of them :)
take a glance and previous themes/competitions and see what tickles your fancy. Ever try the alphabet challenge? It's great for inspiration :)

Same with ROYGBIV...or Food!

The possibilities are endless.

Happy shooting, and don't be discouraged! This community is great for keeping people going :)
December 30th, 2010
Plan ahead is my tip - look out for local events, things going on in your own life and that of your friends and family, check the weather to see what could make for interesting photos, check out the Explore page of Flickr for inspiration, but importantly always keep a camera with you. It works for me.
December 30th, 2010
I guess Im lucky in that I haven't lost inspiration, I just loose hours sometimes and dont get the shot in.
I will often put myself in front of the lens, mainly because Im so self absorbed that I need people to look at me... lol but I find that if its a slow day for me. I goof around and can normally find some stupid shot of myself to put up here.... i sort of think this is my project and why not have pics of me in it? on the other hand when I get over my self and think ugh .. I get my ho's out and start having fun..
some people will do a certain day for a certain type of shot.
or if you cant find your inspiration soon you are more then welcome to come and shot me...lmao!! and yes with a real gun.. I know Im annoying.. hahahaha
December 30th, 2010
@dothewu @vikdaddy Thank you for your ideas and advice, I'm glad I posted this thread because already I feel inspired! :)
@nikkers And thank you, I agree that it's a good idea to do pictures of yourself! And I think i'll pass on the shooting opportunity. I don't think you're annoying :L You're pretty awesome!
December 31st, 2010
try taking pix of the most mundane things - they may be pretty ugly then you'll get the bug to improve ... or not ... but you're young and flighty so there's heaps of interesting subjects to try to capture ... set yourself a subject or aperature or shutter speed or time per week to take a pic - you'll get bored of that and move on ... just remember why you've joined and it will fall into place.
December 31st, 2010
head over to crappy sailor's discussion and choose any of the concepts there ....
December 31st, 2010
Lot of good suggestions here. I'm on Day 364 also and have to agree that the inspiration will ebb and flow. Whenever I got into a real slump I really just took pictures of my every day life....my daughter doing homework, even laundry! It's also when I turned to nature....looked outside to see any interesting flowers, trees, the weather...anything. I also did that when I was in a bad mood, LOL. It lifted me up. And watch....something interesting happens and that is you will begin to notice things in a totally different way.

Good Luck!!! I am so happy in a very positive way that I'm just about complete. It's a neat accomplishment.
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