How do you pick your daily photograph?

January 1st, 2011
Serious question here. I have a few good ones but picking just one is proving to be difficult...

Do you follow the weekly theme every day? Is it one that just emotionally captures your attention?

Tips would be greatly appreciated
January 1st, 2011
If something special has happened or I've been somewhere and therefore taken loads of photos then yes it can be very difficult to choose one but for me most days I just have my camera with me and I take something that I see that interests me.

There are also those days where I haven't been anywhere or seen anything and I have to find something around the house. As I'm making this project about my life I try to take photos that do capture my life and the things and people in it.

I haven't been much help to you though have I.
January 1st, 2011
actually Kathy that was a bit of a help thank you :)

I hadn't done anything exciting today or been anywhere so it was just random shots. ... I've narrowed it down to two lol... just got to work out which one out of those two lol
January 1st, 2011
when I have few good ones I ask myself "would I be able to do the same one tomorrow?" if the answer is no I pick it... And keep the other ones as a "stock" when I don't take any or don't like them!
January 1st, 2011
Thanks that is a great tip :)
January 1st, 2011
rose, some themes grab people more than others, this week's theme, silhouette, does nothing for me at all, as the photographer i mean. i love looking at all the entries, but have nothing to give for it myself haha, no inspiration at all. then other weeks its easy for me to think of a dozen differetn ideas :))

so i guess this is good, in that each week's winner is putting thought into it and giving everyone some inspiration at some point :)
January 1st, 2011
thanks Tadii that was extremely valuable advice :) And actually helped me pick today's from the one's I had it down to.
I think I am addicted already :D
January 1st, 2011
I look for the light, when I'm intending to post something "good". Some of my shots are just happy snaps, of course.

So, if I'm intending to take something nice for 365, I chase some nice light. Subject isn't as important as the light, to me. If I've done a client or model shoot, I'll usually pick one that isn't instantly recognisable to the client, but I like for some quality (usually the light, again). Every now and then I'll simply choose my fave from the shoot, but only when there is no possibility of the client seeing it before they see their "sneak preview" gallery, or when they've already seen it (and always, they've signed a model release).
January 1st, 2011
Hmm, there's no real method to it for me. I sometimes have to force myself topost whatever I took for the day and get it over with... or if I do have several, I pick one that best fits my mood.
January 1st, 2011
Its interesting to read how you all chose them. Definitely giving me some ideas on how to pick my daily post.
January 1st, 2011
i get friends or family to vote :D takes me out of the process.
January 1st, 2011
some days it's easy, some days it's a down right pain - especially if it has been a busy day and there are lots to choose from. Generally i weed out the ones that do nothing for me, then as Jinx says, look for focus / lighting, if it's a theme week sometimes there's a strong pull to use that shot, but mostly it's about my mood. I set up a 2nd album (as an ace user) so i could post the 365 alternative. I think there are many pictures that tell a story and it's nice to capture them, or maybe you pick pne that isn't the best, but you learnt a lot taking it. If i'm really stuck i ask someone to choose for me!! Probably not much help from me either!!!
January 1st, 2011
I pick whatever strikes my mood at the time
January 1st, 2011
When I transfer them to the computer I look at the thumbnails as a whole. Very often something stands out. And very often it's a photo of something that I didn't think I'd end up choosing. Towards the beginning I was thinking about interesting subjects, but towards the end it had become more about interesting photos.
January 1st, 2011
Choosing the "ONE" photo can be difficult when you have two or more photos you really like for that day. Seriously, the easiest way to know what to post, is to ask your spouse/children/friend which one they like best. Typically another set of eyes will see something that you don't. When someone else looks at your pictures, make sure to ask why they chose the one they did. Often you'll think "Oh yeah, that makes sense."
I rarely follow the theme, but maybe I should more often. I typically try to post at least one photo of the theme if it's something I like. Otherwise, let's see what next weeks theme is.
Tips: Hang in there during the difficult times. They will and do come. Pushing through that week where you feel completely uninspired will bring great rewards the next week, and force you to grow. Also, some days you post pictures you really like and other don't comment much, and pics you don't like that everyone else raves abouts. Learn to post what you like, regardless of what the response is. And the obvious, the more you comment on others, they more they will comment on you.
January 1st, 2011
@paulcleveland says "Learn to post what you like, regardless of what the response is."

This is the bottom line in doing your project. It doesn't matter what others are doing because your project is unique to you and your life. The challenges are there to give you focus on doing a particular "type" of picture. You make it fit with your world. If you don't make this a priority you will find yourself dissatisfied with what you post. Don't go there. Keep your project personal to you and you will always find inspiration no matter what "type" of photo you share with us.
January 1st, 2011
Thank you everyone for the amazing tips and advice :) This is the sort of thing I was looking for when I asked the question :)

Learning from those who are doing or have done the project is the best way :)

January 1st, 2011
In my Project 365 2009, I basically tried not to think about taking pictures until inspiration struck. I'm not a perfectionist, and I think that worked for me, because I never got anxious about uploading a less-than-perfect picture.
If I take more than one picture a day, I will choose the picture I love the most by instinct.
January 1st, 2011
I would never be able to choose without the Picasa Photo Viewer. It dims the rest of the windows and allows the picture to fill the screen. Then I can use the arrow keys to move around my photos. Usually there are one or two that really strike me, and if I can't choose, I ask my sister. :D
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