365 Project For Real

January 1st, 2011
I am starting the 365 project over again this year, because I didn't get what I wanted out if last year. I was so insanely busy and didn't take a photo every day, I took like 400 in one day then uploaded them throughout the month. SO! This year I am not going to do that...or I should say, I plan to not do that. Is anybody else out there in the 365 world doing the same thing?

Here is a link to my old account, just cause...
January 1st, 2011
I'm with you! lol

I also neglected to take a photo every day and post. I'm a bit disappointed in myself for not doing so.

I just looked through your old album and I absolutely LOVE you photo's!

Are you going to re-join here or are you doing it on your own blog or something? I'd love to join here again, but wouldn't even know how to do that.
January 1st, 2011
I'm not done with my current one but for whatever reason, I'll start another from today onwards. I guess it's because my main one will end early May and I want the next to make sense so it has to be from the start of the year :)
January 1st, 2011
@comfortplenty I think that's a very mature choice to make, Emily. I would've done the same if I'd been in your position. As it stands, I got what I needed to get from it which is why I've stopped for now.

@indiannie_jones I think starting on 1st January is great because there's a massive virtual piss-up at the end of the year with everyone finishing at the same time. I was considering that the next one I'd do would start on my birthday or something, but I think I'd always wait until 1st January now.
January 1st, 2011
@electricwriter Yeah it just wraps it up nicely. And I know I won't be able to wait until January 2012 when my current one is over. So, here's to TWO 365s :s
January 1st, 2011
@indiannie_jones Good idea. Just have an overlap to synchronise with the Christian calendar. lol
January 1st, 2011
I´m starting today as well!
I´m very excited, I´ve wanted to do this for years and now I finally started a project on Jan 1!
January 1st, 2011
@comfortplenty Emily, I'm doing the exact same thing. I really enjoyed the 365 community last year, but I failed to complete the project, so I'm trying again starting today. Best of luck to you! I'm looking forward to seeing your photos.
January 1st, 2011
@comfortplenty I only made it into September last year, which was an improvement over my early March crash in 2009 (my camera broke that time!).

Starting today. 2011 is the year I finish this!
January 1st, 2011
I managed to upload a photo everyday, but that was only because I was determined to do so.

Starting again though.
I absolutely loved doing it last year. Probably will not be doing a self portrait everyday, but I'll throw some in there.

Very excited to start my second project!
January 1st, 2011
I joined up a few days ago, haven't got anything specific planned but dare say some sort of theme will present itself somewhere along the line.
Making today my start date and will endeavour to stick to the "one a day" principle.

Haven't noticed anything relating to maximum file size for uploading, have I missed it somewhere?
January 1st, 2011
I'm planning on the real deal for this project. Why, just a moment ago I stepped out into the cold and the rain to take some of today's photos (and then my batteries died).
January 1st, 2011
It's good to know that I am not the only one who didn't do well last year. I hope you all reach your goals for this project in the coming year!
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