July to mid-August Tasks for 52-week Dogwood Challenge

July 16th, 2016
hey, folks! Vera is rather busy with her move and things related to the move, so i am "it" for reminding you of this challenge.

for those of us who follow the 52-week Dogwood Challenge, here is the list of the tasks and tags for the rest of July through mid-August:

WEEK 27: July 4th Tag 52wc-2016-w27
Artistic: Blue
You were inspired by the fiery red earlier, now be inspired by calming blue.
See entries here .

WEEK 28: July 11th Tag 52wc-2016-w28
Portrait: Family
Whether it's the family you are born with or the one you choose, show the world what family is to you.
See entries here .

WEEK 29: July 18th Tag 52wc-2016-w29
Landscape: Waterscape
Ocean, lake, river, pond, or puddle. Make water the primary subject of this landscape.
See entries here.

WEEK 30: July 25th Tag 52wc-2016-w30
Artistic: Patterns
Get inspired by the rhythm that patterns bring to your images.
See entries here.

WEEK 31: August 1st Tag 52wc-2016-w31
Portrait: Street Candid
Candids on the street, show us life in your town through the lens.
And you can view the entries over here.

WEEK 32: August 8th Tag 52wc-2016-w32
Landscape: Colorful
Shoot a landscape that packs as much color as you can find into the scene.
and you see your colourful landscapes here.

it's not too late to join in; in fact it's never too late for anything when it comes to our art. our goal is to enjoy and have fun and learn in the process.

so feel free to jump in on the challenge at any time! More information is HERE in the original post.

July 16th, 2016
Thanks for the reminder Vikki. I need to get back on track with this challenge!
July 16th, 2016
@salza - you're welcome. i myself am missing a week - the fantasy week. but your chess selfie gave me an idea so i just might be able to catch up one of these days.
July 16th, 2016
@summerfield I have about 6 or 7 weeks to catch up on! Fell of the radar in May when we went off to the bush for a week. Plus I really battle with the portrait weeks. Maybe I should just take a whole lot one day and just use them for the rest of the challenge 🙄
July 16th, 2016
@salza - for sure! take your time. that's what i do now when i go around for photos, i'm always thinking of upcoming assignments for the weeks ahead. so some of my posts for the challenge have already been shot. well, at least until next week.
July 16th, 2016
Thanks for the reminder, I had completely forgotten about this. Now it is back in my awareness, maybe I can do something!
July 16th, 2016
@summerfield Thank you for post. I jump in randomly, but managed this week because it's Family!
July 16th, 2016
I just found this challenge and I love it. I completed my 365 a few years ago and have returned to daily participation recently. I enter a lot of theme challenges and have very rarely been a finalist. I have been on the popular page once in all the years. I have no idea why this bothers me but it does. So. I love the idea of this non competitive thread. Thank you for all the work that goes into this.
July 16th, 2016
@omabluebird - yes! jump in, this week it's family portrait and from monday it's waterscape. it does make you think more than you normally do in coming up with a photo, composition, set up and all. but you know, this is my 6th year and i have won a few challenges, it is exciting i would admit, but it doesn't bother me when i don't win or when my entry is not chosen. neither when i'm not on popular page. art is subjective, what you think is something exceptional and spectacular may not be in the eyes of others. i took a few photography courses over the years but i learned or i retained very few of the lessons. here on 365, everybody, especially those who are tremendously knowledgeable of their craft, is willing to help or explain things that you don't understand. that's why i always say that everything i know about photography i learned it here. and i always recommend it to anyone who is interested in photography because this is the best place to learn. plus i made some really wonderful friends here and so i consider this my happy place.

and one more thing, there was a point last month when i won 4 challenges almost one after the other, and i tell you i couldn't keep up. it feels good when your peers recognize your work, but if you don't win or your photos are not chosen for a challenge, it doesn't mean your work is no good. if you feel good about your work, then that's all that matters.

so, you on? :-) come aboard the 52 weeks challenge wagon and get your creative juices make magic!
July 16th, 2016
@dibzgreasley - what? how could you? :-)
July 16th, 2016
@summerfield Thank you. I do enjoy it for the fun and learning and mainly for seeing where other people live. I am frustrated with myself that I even think that way. I do like doing challenges. I also must admit that right now, I only use my LG G4 for photos and most of the editing. It works for me.
July 18th, 2016
@summerfield I want to take part in week 29. How can I do this? with this shot
July 18th, 2016
@olenadole - that's an excellent photo, nadiya. just tag it 52wc-2016-w29 so everyone who's participating can see it. thank you.
July 18th, 2016
@summerfield thanks for the answer. I added )))
July 20th, 2016
If it doesn't stop raining here I may get my waterscape without leaving the house.
July 20th, 2016
@omabluebird - all themes are open to interpretation. can't wait to see yours!
July 29th, 2016
I've jumped in for week 30 and will try to keep up as the weeks go by. Thanks for having this.
July 31st, 2016
@granagringa - thank you. hope you're enjoying it.
August 25th, 2016
@summerfield Hi we're onto new weeks. I was going to post through Sept, but I don't know how to do the links to the entries, and I like how you did that!
August 25th, 2016
@tracys - thanks, trace. i had prepared the draft and i will post it tonight. hang on. ;-)
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