Selling Prints?

January 8th, 2017

When showing my photos in a gallery should I have a limit on the number of prints for one photo? Or do you only sell one like a painting, or are the number of prints you can sell of one image limitless?
January 8th, 2017
I expect that it's up to you to decide, but I have no experience... I imagine that you will get more helpful responses from others... but I did want to say congrats on being shown! That is wonderful!
January 8th, 2017
Totally up to you. Most people that I know that sell prints in the digital world don't put a number on how many times a print can sell. In the old darkroom world it wasn't uncommon to have limited editions
January 8th, 2017
Wow! Congratulations and very well deserved. You have taken so many amazing pictures. A collection of your work in a gallery will look amazing.
January 8th, 2017
@radiogirl with film yes I would because of some variables with paper, chemical mixing, getting the crop the same, which is why if I think I am going to show I print five at once. With regular digital prints why would you want to limit in the first place? If you are doing anything post processing after printing than you may want to think about yes.
January 8th, 2017
I don't limit, I just replace them as they sell (the ones off the wall).
January 9th, 2017
congrats!!! I set my own limits, but personally I do not like to have a bunch of the same ones out there!
January 9th, 2017
I have a photo on display for a year at a gallery as a part of Atlanta Celebrates Photography. I keep replacing the photo as it sells (so far twice in 3 months!). I have gone to gallery exhibits where the limits are there and they go for much higher prices as a result. Depends on the "show" I think.
January 9th, 2017
@northy @deadschool @thistle @phillyphotos @grizzlysghost @brillomick @darylo I really appreciate your comments and suggestions it gives me lots to consider especially since I was very unsure of what to do.
Thank you
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