New Lenses for wedding photography??

January 7th, 2011
Hi All,

I am shooting a wedding next month, and I am really stuck on the best lens for the job. I have a canon 500d, which came with the 18-55mm lens, i also have the 55-250mm lens. Not great lenses but all i could afford at the time. Can anyone give me advice on lenses. The wedding i am shooting in Feb, the bride to be likes natural shots. I also have a wedding on a boat in portsmouth in August, so be great to get a lens that would be suitable for that as well.

Thank you everyone. x
January 7th, 2011
I use the 15-85mm. It's a good range for an EF-S lens, equivalent of 24-136mm on a crop body. It's really sharp and the colours just pop!
January 7th, 2011
that's great thank you for that, I will have a look :)
January 7th, 2011
just nosied at your "about you" bit @Vikdaddy, how are you finding the 7d? I was thinking that for my next camera.
January 7th, 2011
24-70mm F/2.8L was my choice of lenses for weddings when I shot APS-C cameras. It is still one of my main lenses on full-frame.
January 7th, 2011
@jinximages thank you :)
January 7th, 2011
I recommend getting a wide angle (threaded attachment for quick removal) This will really help in getting the entire wedding party and the whole vestibule.
January 7th, 2011
don't forget the good old 50mm f/1.8, great for portrait shots. Also get a wide angle like mentioned above and a flash that can bounce (the 430ex for example) for the indoors party stuff.
January 7th, 2011
@vuokkovuorinnen that is great to know, thank you x
January 7th, 2011
I shoot nikon, but my 24-70mm 2.8 is my go to lens now. I use my 50mm 1.8 for portraits.

The first wedding I did, I went and got a cheap off brand zoom lens.... BIGGEST MISTAKE ever! The thing sucked and I couldn't even use it for the wedding, I couldn't return it, and I couldn't even sell it for what I paid.

Now my next lens will be the 70-200mm 2.8 very pricey, but I have learned to wait till you can afford the good one.

January 7th, 2011
@drewbears i couldnt agree more with you Jenn, i have definitely learnt to wait!!
January 7th, 2011
waiting is HARD though. LOL have you thought about renting a lens to try them out?
January 7th, 2011
I have a Tamron 28-75 that I have used for the only 2 weddings I have done. It worked perfect for what I needed. I'm not a "wedding" photographer, I shot these weddings as a favor and it worked really well. I have 2nd shot on numerous occasions and the photogs I shot with were using the 70-200. So you may need to save up! ;)
January 7th, 2011
@drewbears yes, i may do this actually, i am thinking of definitely renting a 50mm f1.8 and maybe the 24-70mm f2.8. see how i get on with them and then make them my aim to save for if all good :)
January 7th, 2011
for me I like two bodies at weddings, I have a 12-24/4 on one and a 50-135/2.8 on the other for the day... than at night / low light I switch out the 12-24/4 and digital body for a Film B&W and a 50/1.4. If it is a 'mobile' wedding with lots of movements the 50-135 goes for the 70mm pancake lens....
January 7th, 2011
I use two bodies for weddings. One with my 80-200mm f/2.8 lens (I shoot Nikon, so not sure if there's Canon equivalents) which is great for both formal portraits and during the ceremony so I'm not all up in their faces. Another body I use a 17-55mm f/2.8 lens on. Nice fast lenses for low light. Then I use my SB800 speedlight for any extra light I might need.
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