10 days in ...

January 11th, 2011
And I am still LOVING this project! I knew it would be a huge commitment and I am trying to push myself to put out a great photo (great for me anyways lol) and avoid cell phone shots. Today I hit the double digits and im proud of each of my photos so far :)
I still have a LONG way to go but Im still very motivated to stick with it!

So all of you who have been here for a while or are on your second year, did you lose motivation at one point? How did you keep going?

Ive thought of making a list of photo ideas when i think of them so that on days I need some motivation or inspiration i can look at it for an idea. Any one know of any good lists online?
January 11th, 2011
Have you thought about doing the themes they put up each week? Even though a lot of my shots don't fit, it definitely gives you some things to try for.

I'm having so much fun with this project. Some days are more trying than others but I can't wait to see where we all are at the end of the year.
January 11th, 2011
Oh yes, definitely lost motivation some days!! On these days you will see I took photos of paper clips, the fence in the back-yard, my feet!! :)

Whenever an idea strikes me, I do jot it down - and I'm finding now being on this site, that I'm getting lots of ideas from all the wonderful photos. The challenge then becomes somedays just finding the time :). And you might find too that you never look at a picture in a magazine the same again... now I see "oh, that would be a good idea", or "I could do that", or "hmm... wonder how they did the lighting in that shot, I should try that"!

So glad you are loving the project!! Keep up the great work - your photos are fantastic :)
January 11th, 2011
@brandywalker365 Same with me...so far, so good! I have found that it stimulates me every day thinking of what I will take a picture of. Unfortunately, today was my first day that was just a disaster! Covering for two people in another office, and then had appointments, and then had to rush out to an off-site appointment. Forgot my winter boots at the office, my lunch bag....we better not get anymore snow before tomorrow! I have not been able to think of anything for a movie scene...but I would like to participate in the themes....
January 11th, 2011
I'm new to this, but I just had a great idea based on your list idea. How about taking a photo if you see something interesting out and about. Go home and critique it just for yourself, and add it to a folder. When you feel uninspired in the future, pick a picture from the folder and go back and take the photo again, with a goal of making it better.

I think this might be my solution when I want to resort to fillers. I'm gonna force myself to take the photo again, that day. ;-) Might not work, but it is worth a try.

I think the key to dealing with no motivation is just go out and take pictures. You're gonna come across something. Don't be so critical if it's just not great.

January 11th, 2011
I am 12 days in and loving it too =)

When I find it hard to find a good photo then I normally focus on the theme for the week
January 11th, 2011
@kathyd Yikes! Hope tomorrow goes a little better.
January 11th, 2011
@jeancarl I think you are absolutely right! I usually take several photos every day...and then in the evening, I have a selection to choose from. I am really pleased overall of the pictures I have taken....and you know, they say practise makes perfect.... :)
January 11th, 2011
Miss Brandy~ Well Im loving this project too! I'm so glad you inspired me to start it up even if I do have to use my cell phone for the time being. I find myself daily thinking of things I could take pictures of and how I can do things better especially since Im not an expert in the least. Anyhow this was a little off subject but wanted to tell you thanks!! O yeah and @KathyD wow I sure hope your week gets better!! :-)
January 11th, 2011
the list is a great idea and def. try the themes. You are doing awesome!
January 11th, 2011
@lislee75 @canberrabec @kathyd @jeancarl @silverhorn @kathyd @sexywitch @blacey

Thank you all for your comments! 365 is so much more then i thought it would be! What a wonderful supportive community :)
Thanks for all the ideas! Im even more excited now :)
January 11th, 2011
@sexywitch Well I found another old pair of boots in the closet, and am taking a paper bag for lunch....I am good to go! :)
January 11th, 2011
I found this interesting page the other day and I do believe it is what you are looking for. It sounds to me that you have a lot of creative ideas on your own. But that you would like something to kick start you on the blah days.
I hope this helps. By the way I have been liking your pictures they are great.

I am going to put my ideas and the ones from this site into a more user friendly format when I do I can email it to you. Just let me know,
January 11th, 2011
@kathyd way to turn your luck around Kathy! I hope you have a wonderful end to your week! ,,, we are all home on a snow day here!

@vanessapwalters I would love that Vanessa!
January 11th, 2011
Good to know KathyD!!!
January 11th, 2011
I just started on January 1st and this is my first year doing the project. I discovered it last year in early November and was bound and determined to do it this year.

I'm now 11 days in and I've really only hit a wall just once thus far. Unfortunately, I think the work speaks for itself and it's easy to see when you go back which days you weren't really feeling it.

I think I just need to keep thinking about creative ways to get out and go shooting. It's mostly a matter of bringing my camera with me wherever I go...
January 12th, 2011
Brandy, I'm totally amazed by your photography!
January 12th, 2011
Awe Denelle your too sweet :) i just love seeing your every day life in your photos!
January 12th, 2011
I'm a Jan 1st starter as well. I'm determined to complete the project as I've been itching to start! I've been hampered by flu since last week, but have still managed a photo every day, although they've not been quite as I envisaged seeing as I'm stuck indoors!
I'm in awe of so many people's photos on here - the standard is amazing! Hopefully carrying out this project will help to increase my skills and knowledge :)
January 12th, 2011
@Brandy W and any others interested. I have placed ideas from creatingkeepsakes.com into a visual calendar to help us all when our creativity needs a boost.
Check it out. http://vanessasresolutions.blogspot.com/2011/01/365-project.html
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