Which photo didn't cut it?

April 27th, 2018
I've returned after a little (2 year *ahem* break) but am genuinely loving seeing all your photos..

It's lovely to see all the popular shots, and I'm trying to catch up on a little bit of history... but I'd love to see the shots you loved / were really proud of, but felt maybe didn't get the attention it deserved!

Amy x
April 28th, 2018
Welcome back, Amy! This is a very good topic, as I have on more than one occasion put up a photo I really liked but which passed the viewership by. Here are two:

April 28th, 2018

I often post in bulk, so many of my photos don't get many comments.
April 28th, 2018
@redandwhite Both are great shots. I really love the bottom one.
April 28th, 2018
Thank you, Lisa. Yours of the dogwood is gorgeous. I grew up in Atlanta which is quite a wooded city. When spring comes and the dogwoods come out, it us just glorious. This is a lovely reminder.
April 29th, 2018
There are too many pics to comment on everything. I'm lucky to come here once a fortnight, to get some pics up have a quick scroll through and add a couple of comments and favs on those that stand out.
April 29th, 2018
Great shots guys - nothing worse than loving a shot yourself and it seemingly passing by!
April 29th, 2018
@teaandcheddar Ha - I always feel like my favourite shots get the least attention on here :) doesn't bother me though - I shoot strictly for my own enjoyment. Was very pleased with this shot :)

April 30th, 2018
Too many :-) But! It's all due to my own doing. I follow to few people so too few follow me. I do fav photo's I like but do not comment very often which results in even fewer views and comments below my own pictures. I like it this way though because I don't feel the need - and the pressure - to stay on 365 24 hours a day, haha. It seems the way for me to keep on going. But perhaps it's a shame nothing much interesting is happening with all the efforts...
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