Please help me understand what these mean...

August 25th, 2018
I have been on 365 for five years and still can’t figure out what some of these things are. I apologize if this information is somewhere else but I’ve looked and can’t find an explanation anywhere.

1. POPULAR, TRENDING and CURATED — What are these pages and how do you get on them? What are differences between these pages?

2. WHO TO FOLLOW — This seems like such a random list. Who decides who you should follow? Are these people special, important or famous?

3. WEEKLY TOP 20 — Top 20 of what? Most hits, views, comments? What makes someone’s images be in the Top 20? Are these selected each and every week? Is the week Sunday through Saturday or Monday though Sunday?

Are these lists subjective or is there an algorithm that sets them up?

Thank you for your help and for clarifying what I’ve been wondering for years now!
August 25th, 2018
I just came across an explanation of TRENDING but I think I’ll leave this up for now in hopes some of the other terms can be explained. If I come across those, I’ll delete this post. Thanks.
August 25th, 2018
Glad you found your answer, in case others have the same of similar questions, here are some other blogs that might be of interest:

Behind the Scenes of 365 Project

What's Trending Right Now?

Extra Albums for Loyal Ace Members

August 25th, 2018
@byrdlip Thank so much! I look forward to reading the links.
August 25th, 2018
it's the magic monkeys!

aka algorithms ! Ross has tweaked them so that comments and favs have been tallied but it is also relative to how many the 365er usually gets, ad i understand it, the difference between trending, mot popular and top twenty are timespan, trending being ones that are instant hits,, most popular are daily , and top twenty are those that stay popular the longest during the week, I have had photos that get less overall comments or favs than others make it to these pages so it is relative to what else is being favorited in that timespan, and the speed with which those favs and comments are accumulated. at least that is my understanding

curated and who to follow are pages put together by Ross or Bilbaroo , sometimes they dont change for a while.
August 25th, 2018
reading the above link seems i wasnt far off :)
August 25th, 2018
@kali66 Interesting, thank you.
August 25th, 2018
@byrdlip Thanks for posting the links. I love 365! Apologizing up front, I don’t really follow people. I get overwhelmed when I see all those photos in my feed. I love to surf around and discover people to check up on. It’s so inspirational. Thanks again!!
August 25th, 2018
@kali66 Good goin’! You weren’t far off at all.
August 25th, 2018
Magic monkeys?!
August 25th, 2018
For 5 years here,you should already be familiar with this stuff😍☮️
August 25th, 2018
@kali66 @yogiw As with time and programmer, documentation doesn't always get updated when the program changes :-)

Maybe Ross @Scrivna will one day update and republish, should have time with all the smoke in BC :-)
August 25th, 2018
@joemuli HA HA probably but I only use it for a personal photo journal of what i do each day and rarely take advantage of all the site has to offer.
August 25th, 2018
@yogiw I advice you should— it’s so much fun and 365 is a proven anti- depressant 💕💐💕
August 25th, 2018
Not the same question, but something I'd like to know - is there a glossary somewhere telling newbies like me what all of these alphabet soup labels (MFIAC, SOOC, ETSOOI etc) mean?
August 26th, 2018
@spanishliz I hear you with this one. I can sit there for ages trying to work them out. I always forget what they mean.
August 26th, 2018
August 26th, 2018
@spanishliz @emma78 some of them are described in the weekly sh*t list faithfully and generously done by Wendy @farmreporter each week as they are competitions. SOOC means Straight Out Of Camera and always sparks an interesting discussion about the pros and cons as well as the definition of what that really means in this digital age. You can always ask someone for help because this is the most accommodating site I have ever seen
August 26th, 2018
@spanishliz @emma78 as Katy said just ask folk - when I first started many moons ago I had know idea what all the acronyms meant - as I came across them I asked - often it was the person who used it in a comment on an image - everyone was so helpful - sometimes I still come across something I don't know and always find someone to help :)
August 26th, 2018
@emma78 @grammyn @annied Thank you all for your replies. One of my problems really is remembering what they mean once I've read the explanation. Guess I'll make a little list, then I'll know the answer if someone asks me :)
August 26th, 2018
@spanishliz hahahaha yes I had that problem too - it took a while to become familiar with them
August 26th, 2018
@spanishliz This thread helped me, when I started long ago, and in there is also list with abbreviations.
August 26th, 2018
@mona65 Thanks for posting the thread.
August 26th, 2018
I have noticed that the curated page now doesn't show on the info for the picture like the TP and PP pages do. It always used to .
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