So, what got you into photography?

January 13th, 2011
And how old were you when you first started?

Just trying to clear out the rude posts. (:
January 13th, 2011
I was about 10 I'd say. My Dad gave me his old Nikon slr with film to play around with. I've just loved taking pictures ever since I was little. My Dad has always taken lots of photos so I'm sure that is where the inspiration came from, loving to see his photos and wanting to take my own.
January 13th, 2011
rude posts? hmm...didn't see those !!

Oh well, I'll answer first I guess. My highschool journalism teacher, Mrs. Crumpler and her never ending support. She's the reason I decided on majoring in photo in college. So I was about...15 when I first took her class. Wow 15 years ago.
January 13th, 2011
And what about you Diego?
January 13th, 2011
Let's to make a long story...shorter haha. I was a film major at UNC Wilmington and wanted to learn still photography as a way to better understand how films are made. They both use 35mm film, after all, and all the technical pieces are the same.

What started as a hobby soon turned into a job as I was hired to be the one and only student photographer for the university. I shot everything from sporting events (basketball, baseball, softball, volleyball, track, swimming & diving, tennis, all of it), to portraits, events, plays, concerts, and beauty shots of campus.

When I was done at UNC Wilmington, I just kept shooting. I was soon starting to be hired to shoot landscape photos for businesses to hang on their walls and local tourism magazines. I now also work as a freelance photojournalist shooting long-term projects.

Oh, and I was 29 when I got started. If I do my math correctly...subtract the one...that was just a year ago.
January 13th, 2011
I always liked taking photos, but didn't really get "into" it until late in college, about 22 (I'm 27 now) when I got my first digital point and shoot... Around age 24 is when I really started doing it, and 6 months later I fell into working for a car magazine and it took off from there. I did take a photo class in high school, but it was pretty worthless besides learning how to develop and print.
January 13th, 2011
I remember my mom letting me use the old polaroid and the 110 when I was a little girl but it really wasn't until my husband gave me his 35mm to play with while we were dating that I really got interested in photography. Now I take pictures daily with my digital and I love it!!
January 13th, 2011
I always loved taking pictures. My mom would always get me disposable cameras for Christmas and they would be gone end of the day. I just loved it. Not sure what started it. But it just continued on through life. I was more interested in theater in high school, so I never took photography. And then once I had my son, my interest in photography was rediscovered. And trying to photography a baby that moves a lot requires a fast shutter speed, so I got a DSLR. And here I am :)
January 13th, 2011
I got my first camera when I was 8 - I've always had just a point and shoot till about 3 years ago. A year ago I broke out of the automatic settings and started really branching out. I've always loved it but now I LOVE it
January 13th, 2011
I got into editing photos first before actually taking them. Two summers ago I modeled for my friend's clothes store and helped her edit the pictures afterwards. Then last year, I created a Facebook because I wanted to start taking pictures of events and trips and store them together in personal photo albums. That summer, I created a photoblog from my daily life, and started editing my pictures so they would look nicer on my page. Because of that photoblog, I got to put both taking pictures and editing together, and I was soon hooked.
January 13th, 2011
My dad gave me his old 35mm film camera when I was about 10 years old. I used to write poetry and take pictures to go along with it. It turned into a hobby and I took a few classes in college and now I do portrait sessions every few weeks for people. I've always loved photography and it just sort of grew to be what it is today.
January 13th, 2011
I was 15 when I got my first, what I would consider, nice camera. I always would download silly apps on my iPod that let me change the saturation and color of pictures, but was always afraid to take my own. Senior year of high school, after filling out a gazillion applications and deciding I wanted to be a teacher, I started second guessing myself and questioning photography instead. I chickened out actually, but I think it was the best bet for me at this point. I'm still very much an amateur, so picking photography as my main source of income would be scary haha.. But there was this one girl in high school that was a photographer, and I was always in awe of her shots- so I guess she played a major role in this hobby... I also joined a photography club in college as a different way of meeting people!
January 13th, 2011
I don't remember when I got my first film camera, maybe 9-12 years old, but it was used mostly for trips and holidays. It wasn't until I was 16 that I borrowed a digital camera and started to document the construction of a subway extension nearby. Watching construction is one of my fascinations. That was about 40,000 photos over four years. Since then, and with a handful of digital cameras (they either broke or upgraded), I've found myself documenting the things I see. And I have a lot, a lot, a lot of photos from recent trips I've taken. On a boring day, I average more than 100 shots. I would never be able to afford developing film.

I think it's the fact that things will only be like I see it once, and so I capture it to look back and remember in the future. It's a tough addiction that's getting worse with the creativity this project is promoting! ;-)
January 13th, 2011
I can not draw, can not paint. I see colours that work in decorating (in an alright fashion) and love to show people the world through my eyes ... or are they seeing my mind? Now you've got me thinking the what and the why.

OK - because I feel safe in what I create with a camera and looking from May last year to now I've definitely upped the ante.
January 13th, 2011
I think I was about 11 years old when I got my first little (pink) camera. My parents always were happy when I took a shot and encouraged me. I think I got about three camera's as a present from my parents, in the years that followed. I took some pictures, but not all the time.
When I went to college I took more shots, most of the time I was the only one with a (simple) camera with me. I think it grew on me. And since I have a digital camera (for about 5 years) I take a lot of pictures. Sometimes the people close to me get a little fed up by me and my camera. I still own just a simple P&S, but I like the fact that I can put it in my pocket or bag and take it everywhere.
For the last couple of years I wanted to improve my photography to a better level and I practiced a lot and now I have read some books about it. I love it!
January 13th, 2011
Funny enough, I was a bit lost after highschool and was contemplating taking a photography course but decided not to because I wanted to move away.

Other than that, any real interest I have is because of this site :) sooo... 21, I guess :P
January 13th, 2011
Well,I got my first camera about 10 years ago,when I was 11 or 12.
It was one of thise cheap plastic chinese film cameras. It rewinded the film by itself,it was so "awesome" ! ...I was shooting a lot of silly things with it ,with my friends.The camera didn`t last much haha.
Then...hmm...oh I got a Panasonic Lumix in 2008,from someone,so that`s when I started making more unusual photos.But still,it was nothing special.I lost that camera (kind of),the same year.
Hmmm.Oh,in 2009 I bought a Canon A630,wich was pretty cool,because it looked cool.I was shooting more and more photos with it,even filmed my (first and last) fake movie trailer with it.Still,those were the times when "editing software" ,in my dictionary,meant "lame cheating".I sold that camera the later ,the same year. So..
I guess it`s this website that got me actually interested and made me get more creative. I actually got my first DSLR because of this project,I fellt like I need to do it (if you look at my first few photos,they are taken with a P&S,lame quality and SOOTC)... ..yeah,3 and a half months into this project,and I still consider myself a total newbie.
January 13th, 2011
I was a teen also with what amounted to a simple camera with nothing inside except the mechanism to advance the film. There was literally nothing in it. I would just look at the insides and wonder how it took pictures. Of course, now the cameras are more sophisticated but I still look at them in amazement.
January 13th, 2011
i never used to like to take pictures...i'd buy the flim and bring the camera with me on vacation, but never take anything...
and then i got a digital camera and everything changed....i only had a p&s but i took pictures of everything...and then i took up knitting, and took a lot of pictures of my finished projects....
but i started to want a dslr camera and took more intrest in photography while i was planning my wedding and researching photographers....i went to so many different photographer's websites and looked at so many different pictures and then thought "i want to do this!"
granted, i don't think i'll ever become a wedding photog, but, it definately piqued my intrest and got me to learn more about photography....i mean i just do it for fun, and just random shots, but i hope to eventually be a lot better at it
January 13th, 2011
I have an old film Nikon I used when I was a teen. Nothing fancy, though since I didn't know how to use it. I loved taking pictures though. Then my dad broke the camera at my graduation and I kinda forgot about it since I had no money. After I started having kids 6 years ago I picked it back up using a Kodak EasyShare with manual settings. I got hired to shoot a Golf Scholarship Tourney and bought my D40. I would like to upgrade my camera someday but I have to start making money on my hobby first. lol
January 15th, 2011
I started taking pictures when I was a teenager and was in a 4-h photography project. As an adult, I mostly used disposable cameras. In December of 2010, I bought a digital camera. I can do so much more with a digital camera. I bought the digital camera as part of the arts and crafts exploration phase of my retirement.
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