Comfort Zone.Do you have?

February 5th, 2011
Right now i really don't know if i really have the comfort zone on my photography. I do have lots of interest in almost every type of style when shooting ,particularly being inspired from some great works of others. It's always vary what I like depends on the inspiration I'm getting from great photos of others or by some great subject along my way or sometimes unexpected ideas that's came out from me.I usually stay in one concept or subject then I change after a while once I'm done with it and try another one. I still lots of thing wanted to try base on my interest as well.

They said that going out of your comfort zone helps you learned and improved a lot. is it Ok to have a multiple comfort zone or this will just makes you out of focus on what you really want to create and sometimes leads you to a boring day and a feeling that your work is not too good for yourself.

Do you really have a what you called "Comfort Zone" when shooting or when creating some work? How do you classify your comfort zone? when you go out from that zone and find other works that interest you, do you still go back from your usual comfort zone or just add this new style on what you have.
do you think a multiple Comfort Zone is really an advantage?

Thanks for the time sharing your thoughts and hope that somehow others like me is able to get some points of view regarding this matter.

Have a nice day.

February 5th, 2011
I think we all have an area that we prefer. IE landscapes .. pets. babies.. selfies etc.
but then we expand that area as we get better..
I think it depend on your own mind and how it copes with multiple areas...
I can go back and forth with a style or image in mind for weeks.. others need the discipline of working with only one style and others dont have the confidence to branch out..

There was a woman here that only took photos of her torso.. in work out clothing.. I think she was documenting her year of getting fit.. to me, that takes more discipline that having different photos of everything I can take....
Most people get into a groove soon into their project, and then either hit a brick wall with creativity, So I think to mix it up when you get comfortable is the way to get more mileage out of this project..
I think the other thing to remember is that we ALL have strengths in different areas and to try and keep up with everyone is impossible, but use others as inspiration and get ideas and tech advice from them and then make it your own.
Hope this sort of answers your q. :)
February 5th, 2011
I wouldn't say I have a comfort zone, per se, but I have created different series for my photos, which gives me lots of choices every day. So, when I see something that interests me I try to fit it into one of the series or just leave it on it's own.

Do I have a style? I don't know but I try to keep myself from doing the same type of pictures. I don't want to put myself into a catagory because I like lots of things and I want my daily photos to reflect that. I get bored doing the same type of pictures and I want all the options available to me.
February 5th, 2011
my comfort zone is b&w pics of the kids,there will alwyas be a pic like that that i am more than happy with,i fact b&w in general,i'm trying to shoot in colour more as it isn't as forgiving if the composition isn't as good i find
February 5th, 2011
i dont really have a comfort zone :S ...... my only fall back if everything goes wrong or if its a hard day is to use water in a different way each time :)

i like anything bright and colourful , im not very good at people or landscapes tho , but ill have to practise i guess !
February 5th, 2011
@nikkers , @dmortega , @sallycheese - Thanks for sharing your views.
February 5th, 2011
@flamez = Thanks
February 5th, 2011
Good question :) I feel happy while taking photos of my kid playing, portraiture shots, street photography... Landscapes and buildings too, but I don't have the possibility, so I'm waiting the moment to come.
Now I realize that my favourite photos are totally different from mine, even the subject! ;)
One day I would like to make HDRs, take wildlife photos... for now this is a dream.
February 5th, 2011
Uhm for here I'm going to simply take what comes my way in the day unless I am out on a shoot, though the last time the sea mist rolled in and an SD card failed so....

I think you can push your comfort zone when you feel you need to or else hone your skills in your favourite areas until you feel the need to break loose....

You can get spoofed by the quality of some of the contributors shots but hey.......if you take only 365 shots a year of different things or from different angles then you're on the way to being more accomplished. Let's face it even if I am rushed I never take one shot and often leave out the second bests, all 12 of them! I sometimes think that maybe that's a better shot but then it does not fit in my criteria which are daily and connected with what I did (where possible).
February 5th, 2011
I try and vary the type of shot I take every day. A landscape would be followed by a close-up, a mono, an interior etc. I usually take a load of sport stuff on weekends, so that's my natural shot for one day a week.
Some people take the same subject every day, some don't. I think this project is about recording your life day by day, so whatever you are involved with, there's your subjects.
February 5th, 2011
@blueburn11 I like variety but I'm comfiest when all hell is breaking loose, like Holi or a gig, Club photography's sometimes fun too but usually people are really annoying...
February 5th, 2011
My comfort zone right now is landscapes. I know if I am stuck inside for a day, I am less likely to find something to get a good shot.

And I am terrified to take pictures of people still. Not sure why, but I am. Maybe because they can see me, and trees and snow can't :)
February 6th, 2011
My comfort zone seems to be with close ups of flowers. I push myself to try other subjects, especially because I would like to take pictures of other subjects. I wouldn't say though that I am entirely comfortable with my photography yet. I am trying to work on my compositional techniques. I am getting better at recognizing when I have a good or bad photo "framed" up. Like Tiffany, I am scared to take pictures of people. In this project, I seem to be alternating between telling the story of my daily life and showing what I am working on in my photography.
February 6th, 2011
@daisy , @mrsharkleroad , @killerjackalope , @robd57 , @davidgeer , @vvpe - Thanks so much for sharing your wonderful views.
February 8th, 2011
I always thought mine was landscapes and animals but lately I'd have to say thats changed to portraits
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