
February 7th, 2011
Hey...I seem to have hit a wall when it comes to inspiration. Any ideas?
I've recently experimented with water drops and falling fruit.. Is there any other cool ideas or experiments that I could do?
February 7th, 2011
@lysslyss508 Done any bokeh? I tried it there and had some fun, making the stencil and all is pretty easy too...

Zooming with slow shutter, can be fun and produce interesting results.

Umm Lasers?
February 7th, 2011
@killerjackalope - I experimented a little with Bokeh around Christmastime.. I may have to take a go at it again. Thanks for the ideas!
February 7th, 2011
What do you see everyday that you take for granted? A rusty nail. an old sign, old building, and old man.
February 7th, 2011
You could always go outside and see what there is to shoot :)
February 7th, 2011
@byrdlip -- Very good thought! If you look at my picture today.. I kinda went with that idea. Paperclips. Although, now I'm going to try to be more aware of what's around me. Thanks!

@indiannie_jones -- Living in Africa you'd think I'd be good with this. ha Ha. Safety is an issue and I can't just explore too far by myself. But I will go out tomorrow and see what I can find! Thanks.
February 7th, 2011
@lysslyss508 Born and raised in South Africa - believe me, I know alllll too well. But even in your garden, there's loads of potential :)
February 7th, 2011
@indiannie_jones -- Okay. Ha Ha. So you DO definitely understand. Thanks! :)
February 7th, 2011
February 7th, 2011

This site puts out daily challenges which should be doable no matter where you are.
February 7th, 2011
@dmortega -- wow! So cool! Thanks! (:
February 7th, 2011
February 7th, 2011
@ssmiley6017 - Ha ha. Very clever ideas. Those would be fun to do!
February 7th, 2011
@lysslyss508 This site is full of inspiring photographers who do the most amazing shots - hopefully something will tickle yer fancy among the nearly one million shots.
February 7th, 2011
@ssmiley6017 I am looking forward to that.
February 7th, 2011
@dmortega Thanks for this link, will come in very handy
February 7th, 2011
On weeks I am running low on inspiration, I will pick a photography term or skill and then shoot the heck out of it. There's always the weekly theme too. When all else fails, I find something that made me happy that day and shoot that. Good luck!
February 7th, 2011
put a light bulb in a half glass of milk , put it in the microwave, take a picture when it lights up....I seen it in a video, just too chicken to try myself ;p
February 8th, 2011
@dmortega that's a great site...thanks for sharing. Alyssa, when I was in a slump and out of ideas, I started the abc project...take a picture for each letter in the alphabet. it pulled me right outta my funk!
February 8th, 2011
I can always find stuff to photograph if I go on a walk around my neighborhood!
February 8th, 2011
alka seltzer tablets fizzing!
February 8th, 2011
I personally was inspired by february, just think, what does february mean to you? A birthday, valentines day, hearts, hatred? possibly the 2nd and 4th one combined? haha. But really, just think of what's going on, and how you can represent that!
February 8th, 2011
check out
February 8th, 2011
@miranda @cfitzgerald @mollyanne31790 @adriennerose @roth -- Thanks so much for the great ideas!
@sarahbear9995 --- I've been thinking of going with a Valentine's Day theme for a week or so...
@tnamari -- hmm..interesting. Never heard of that. Not sure if I'm brave enough to try it myself. ha ha.
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